last update 20 Sep 2009 |
// Example: Using the cvrlib! #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <list> #include <cmath> #include "cvrVector.h" #include "cvrMatrix.h" #include "cvrLogarithm.h" #include "cvrTimer.h" #include "cvrBMPFunctor.h" #include "cvrDownsampling.h" #include "cvrConvolution.h" #include "cvrGaussKernels.h" #include "cvrSplitImg.h" #include "cvrMergeChnl.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; ... void testfunction() {
------------------------ simple matrix operations ------------------------
cout << "Testing matrix operations and constructor..."; // data to be used by a matrix double mdata[15] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }; // create a matrix "a" and copy the data "mdata" on it. matrix<double> a(3,5,mdata); // show the matrix cout << endl << "Matrix a: " << endl << a << endl; // add -7 to all elements a.add(-7.0); // apply the c-function fabs to all elements a.apply(fabs); // show the resulting matrix cout << " After abs(x-7):" << endl; cout << a << endl; // add 0.5 to all elements a.add(0.5); // create an instance of the logarithm-iterating functor, // which apply the log function to all elements of a mathVector cvr::logarithm<double> lg; lg.apply(a); // show the matrix after applying "log" to all of its elements cout << " After log(x+0.5):" << endl << a << endl;
--------------------- image procesing tests ---------------------
// create an instance of the image loading functor: cvr::loadBMP loader; cvr::image img,img2; // -- loading an image -- : shortcut // load the given image using the shortcut! loader.load("img/leo040801_00_019.bmp",img); // -- loading an image -- : the standard way // the "standard" way uses the parameters-class of the functor // the functor requires a parameter object: cvr::loadBMP::parameters loaderParam; // give which file should be loaded loaderParam.filename = "img/leo040801_00_019.bmp"; // tell the image-loader, which parameters should be used: loader.setParameters(loaderParam); // load the image loader.apply(img2); // -- extract a monochromatic channel of the image -- // split image test cvr::channel chnl,chnl2; // functor to split image in the chromaticity color space cvr::splitImageTorgI splitter; // extract the intensity channel only! splitter.getIntensity(img,chnl); // -- Convolution and Filters -- // 1D filter tests cout << "Vector filter..."; cvr::vector<float> vct1(65536,0.5); cvr::vector<float> vct2(65536,0.0f); // create a gaussian kernel with 5 elements and a variance of 0.7 cvr::gaussKernel1D<float> gauss(5,0.7); // the convolution functor: cvr::convolution convolver; // the parameters for the convolution functor cvr::convolution::parameters param; // indicate which kernel should be used param.setKernel(gauss); // set the parameters convolver.setParameters(param); // convolve the vector vct1 with the gaussian kernel convolver.apply(vct1,vct2); // -- 2D separable filters -- // create a (separable) column filter! cout << "Creating separable filter..."; sepKernel<float> sepKern; sepKern.setNumberOfPairs(1); // in a column filter, the row filter has only 1 element, with value 1 sepKern.getRowFilter(0).resize(0,0,1,false); // use the gaussian kernel as the column filter sepKern.getColFilter(0).copy(gauss); // indicate that now this column filter should be used param.setKernel(sepKern); convolver.setParameters(param); // filter the intensity channel with this column filter convolver.apply(chnl,chnl2); // -- 2D gaussian filter (separable) // change the kernel to a complete 2D gaussian filter sepKern.copy(gaussKernel2D<float>(k)); // indicate the convolution functor to use this kernel param.setKernel(sepKern); convolver.setParameters(param); // convolve the channel with the 2D gaussian kernel convolver.apply(chnl,chnl2); // -- 2D gaussian filter (matrix) // create a 2D (non-separable) kernel kernel2D<float> gauss2D; gauss2D.outerProduct(sepKern.getRowFilter(0),sepKern.getColFilter(0)); // indicate the convolution functor to use this kernel param.setKernel(gauss2D); convolver.setParameters(param); // convolve the 2D kernel with the channel convolver.apply(chnl,chnl2); // -- downsampling test // create the downsampling functor (using the default parameters) cvr::downsampling downsampler; downsampler.apply(chnl,chnl2); // create a viewer object to see the images cvr::viewer view;; getchar(); // wait 'til the user hits a key }