cvrAffineLocation.h [code] | Definition of cvr::affineLocation which extends cvr::location by a transformation matrix |
cvrAffineTransformation2D.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::affineTransformation2D, which is used to transform coordinate points in a planar transformation with only rotation and translation |
cvrAllocException.h [code] | Defines the memory allocation exception |
cvrArchitecture.h [code] | |
cvrArctanLUT.h [code] | Contains the arctan lookup table |
cvrAreaPoints.h [code] | Declares areaPoints |
cvrAssert.h [code] | Defines macro assert() as a dummy for release versions but as the standard assert if a debug version is being compiled |
cvrBilinearInterpolation.h [code] | Contains the template class cvr::bilinearInterpolation<T>, which is a functor, which uses bilinear interpolation to approximate values between the pixels or elements of vectors and matrices |
cvrBorderPoints.h [code] | Declares borderPoints |
cvrBoundaryExpansion.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::boundaryExpansion, which is used to expand an image with a border defined through the boundaryType parameter |
cvrBoundaryType.h [code] | Contains the enum eBoundaryType which provides global constants for differnt boudary conditions |
cvrBresenhamCircle.h [code] | Contains the functor bresenhamCircle |
cvrBresenhamLine.h [code] | Contains the functor bresenhamLine |
cvrChainCode.h [code] | Declares chainCode and constants for Canzler code |
cvrChannel.h [code] | Contains the data structure to represent gray valued images with one float per pixel |
cvrChannel32.h [code] | Contains the data structure to represent gray valued images with four bytes per pixel |
cvrChannel8.h [code] | Contains the data structure to represent gray valued images with one byte per pixel |
cvrChannelC.h [code] | Contains the data structure to represent complex valued channels with float as type for the real and imaginary components |
cvrChannelProcessingInterface.h [code] | Simple interface from which all functors that process a matrix<T> to produce another matrix can be inherited |
cvrClassName.h [code] | Defines the class className to gain the fully qualified name of a class inherited from cvr::object |
cvrColorQuantization.h [code] | Contains parent class for all color quantization algorithms |
cvrColors.h [code] | This file contains some more symbolic color definitions, like orange, pink, red, green, blue, etc |
cvrCompilers.h [code] | |
cvrComplex.h [code] | CVR-Lib version of the complex numbers |
cvrConfig.h [code] | Wrapper file which includes the configuration files required for each specific OS or compiler |
cvrConstantReferenceType.h [code] | Contains the enum eConstantReferece which provides global constants to control the behaviour of memory allocation |
cvrConstants.h [code] | Definition of some often needed mathematical constants as static member functions of a template class: pi(), twoPi(), halfPi(), e(), and sqrt2() |
cvrConstReferenceException.h [code] | Specialized exception for unallowed access to const object |
cvrContainer.h [code] | Contains the parent class to all container classes like vectors and matrices |
cvrContrastEnhancement.h [code] | Contains the abstract class cvr::contrastEnhancement, from which all contrast enhancement classes are derived |
cvrConvexHull.h [code] | Contains the functor convexHull |
cvrDataRepresentationType.h [code] | Contains the enum eDataRepresentationType |
cvrDebug.h [code] | Defines many macros used when debugging CVR-Libclasses |
cvrDebugIterator.h [code] | Contains a generic implementation of debug iterators (used in debug builds) for cvr::containers |
cvrDecompositionSolution.h [code] | |
cvrDeprecated.h [code] | Defines a macro that alerts on deprecated member functions |
cvrDistanceFunctor.h [code] | This file contains the class distanceFunctor, the base class for calculation of distances between two vectors or matrices |
cvrDistanceType.h [code] | This file contains the class distanceType<T> which specifies three types that are recommended for the result of a distance calculation between two instances of T |
cvrDocu.h [code] | |
cvrDocuClassifiers.h [code] | |
cvrDocuSegmentation.h [code] | |
cvrDocuTransformationEstimation.h [code] | |
cvrDownload.h [code] | |
cvrDraw.h [code] | |
cvrDrawBase.h [code] | |
cvrEndianness.h [code] | Contains the class endianness, which allows to read/write data from a file written with a known endianness |
cvrEuclideanDistance.h [code] | This file contains the functions T euclideanDistance(const T&, const T&) and T euclideanDistanceSqr(const T&, const T&) which calculate the Euclidean distance and its square, respectively |
cvrEuclideanDistanceFunctor.h [code] | This file contains the class euclideandistanceFunctor, a class for calculating the L2 distance between two vectors or matrices |
cvrEuclideanDistantor.h [code] | This file contains the policy classes euclideanDistantor and euclideanSqrDistantor, which calculate the L2 distance and it square, respecively |
cvrEuclideanTransformation2D.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::euclideanTransformation2D, which is used to transform coordinate points in a planar transformation with only rotation and translation |
cvrExamples.h [code] | |
cvrException.h [code] | Defines base class for all exceptions in the CVR-Lib |
cvrExternViewer2D.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::externViewer used when there is no possibility to use GTK or any other widget tool for which we have a viewer |
cvrFactory.h [code] | Contains the template type for CVR-Lib factories |
cvrFactoryReferences.h [code] | Class that ensures the existence of some references |
cvrFastHessianDetection.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::fastHessianDetection, which is the location detector used by the SURF concept |
cvrFilledUpsampling.h [code] | |
cvrFixedGridInterpolation.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::fixedGridInterpolation, which is parent class for all interpolation functors, whose samples have equal distances to each other (per dimension) |
cvrFunctor.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::functor, which is the parent class for all functionality classes that work on images, matrices, etc |
cvrGenericChannel.h [code] | Definition of a meta-programming type which provides the channel corresponding to a specific type |
cvrGenericInterpolation.h [code] | Contains the functor genericInterpolation which uses LUT for interpolation kernels |
cvrGenericLattice1D.h [code] | Contains a one-dimensional lattice container, which is somewhat similar to a genericVector but with a selectable initial index, that, besides zero, can be positive or negative |
cvrGenericLattice2D.h [code] | Contains a template class to describe 2D lattices, which are like matrices but addressable with negative indices, and whose rows are of type cvr::genericLattice1D |
cvrGenericMatrix.h [code] | Contains a template class to describe matrices of data, in a way that each row can be accessed as a cvr::genericVector |
cvrGenericVector.h [code] | Contains a replacement for std::vector, which has been optimized for the storage of static types, (i.e |
cvrGeometricTransform.h [code] | Contains the classes cvr::geometricTransform<T> and cvr::geometricTransformBase, which are the parent classes of all geometric transformation classes, like rotation, scale, translation, etc |
cvrGeometry.h [code] | Defines three line geometry related global functions:
cvrGroups.h [code] | This file contains all documentation groups for classes and data structures in the CVR-Lib |
cvrGuiServer.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::guiServer, which manages a singleton that controls the thread running the main loop of the used GUI Toolkit (like QT, GTK+, GTKMM, WxWidgets, etc |
cvrHierarchy.h [code] | |
cvrHistogramEqualization.h [code] | Contains a class for histogram equalization of different types of matrices |
cvrHueLUT.h [code] | Contains the hue lookup table |
cvrImage.h [code] | Contains the color image data structure of the CVR-Lib , which is a matrix of cvr::rgbaPixel |
cvrIntegralImage.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::integralImage, which is used as a preliminary stage of several other algorithms that need to convolve with boxes filled with a constant value |
cvrInterpolationType.h [code] | Defines the enumeration type eInterpolationType used in many places to specify which kind of interpolation should be employed |
cvrInterval.h [code] | Defines the template type cvr::interval<T> and all shortcuts like cvr::iinterval |
cvrInvalidParametersException.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::invalidParametersException, an exception thrown by classes derived from cvr::parametersManager::parameters |
cvrIOBMP.h [code] | Contains the cvr::ioBMP class to deal with .bmp files |
cvrIoHandler.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::ioHandler, which is the base for all serialization concepts in the CVR-Lib |
cvrIOImage.h [code] | Parent class of all functors that write to or read from a file as its main task |
cvrIOImageInterface.h [code] | Parent class of all functors that write to or read from a file as its main task |
cvrIOJPEG.h [code] | Contains the cvr::ioJPEG class to deal with .jpeg files |
cvrIoObject.h [code] | Containes base class for all serializable classes |
cvrIOPNG.h [code] | Contains the cvr::ioPNG class to deal with .png files |
cvrIoPoints.h [code] | Declares ioPoints |
cvrKdTree.h [code] | This file contains the aggregate type cvr::kdTree, a data structure for fast nearest neighbor search |
cvrKernel1D.h [code] | Contains the template class cvr::kernel1D<T> |
cvrKernel2D.h [code] | Contains the template class cvr::kernel1D<T> |
cvrKMColorQuantization.h [code] | Contains a class for color quantization using the k-Means algorithm |
cvrLabelAdjacencyMap.h [code] | |
cvrLapackInterface.h [code] | Definition of interface for LAPACK based functors |
cvrLattice1D.h [code] | Contains the template class cvr::lattice1D, which is the mathematical version of cvr::genericLattice1D |
cvrLattice2D.h [code] | Declares the mathematical version of genericLattice2D, which also provides some arithmetical operations and extrems search methods |
cvrLine.h [code] | |
cvrLinearAlgebraFunctor.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::linearAlgebraFunctor which is the base class of all linear algebra functors and defines the global type cvr::integer |
cvrLinearLeastSquares.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::linearLeastSquares, to solve a least squares linear problem |
cvrLispStreamHandler.h [code] | Contains cvr::lispStreamHandler a lisp-like ASCII ioHandler |
cvrList.h [code] | Defines a wrapper that automatically decides if it is more efficient to use the cvr::smallObjectList or the std::list |
cvrLoadImageList.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::loadImageList, which has still to be documented by Peter Doerfler |
cvrLocation.h [code] | Definition of cvr::location which is an interest point in an image and circular neighborhood |
cvrLocationDetection.h [code] | Contains the abstract class cvr::locationDetection, which is the parent class of all local detection classes |
cvrLocationMatch.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::locationMatch, which has still to be documented by Pablo Alvarado |
cvrLuDecomposition.h [code] | Compute the LU decomposition of a given matrix |
cvrLuSolution.h [code] | |
cvrMacroSymbols.h [code] | Contains several definitions of macros to determine which compiler is being used |
cvrMath.h [code] | Definition of some usually used global functions like min, max, and many standard functions with are used differently by the different compilers |
cvrMathLA.h [code] | Definition of some useful global functions which are often needed in Linear Algebra Algorithms |
cvrMatrix.h [code] | Declares the mathematical version of genericMatrix, which also provides some arithmetical operations and extrems search methods |
cvrMatrixProcessingInterface.h [code] | Simple interface from which all functors that process a matrix<T> to produce another matrix can be inherited |
cvrMatrixTransform.h [code] | Contains the geometric transformation class cvr::matrixTransform<T> which is the more generic linear transformation matrix |
cvrMedianEvenCase.h [code] | Contains the enum eMedianCase which is used in cvr::quickMedian and related classes |
cvrMergeHSIToImage.h [code] | |
cvrMergeImage.h [code] | Contains mergeImage, which is a base class all merge image functor classes |
cvrMergeRGBToImage.h [code] | |
cvrMergeYCbCrToImage.h [code] | Merge YCbCr channels to color image |
cvrMergeYIQToImage.h [code] | Merge YIQ channels into a color image |
cvrMergeYPbPrToImage.h [code] | Merge YPbPr channels into a color image |
cvrMergeYUVToImage.h [code] | Merge YUV channels into a color image |
cvrMetaProgrammingTools.h [code] | Contains some useful meta programming tools such as if_t, switch_t |
cvrMinimizeBasis.h [code] | Contains the template class cvr::minimizeBasis<T>, which generates a minimum number of basis vectors to approximate a given set of vectors within a given deviation |
cvrMutex.h [code] | Contains cvr::mutex for protecting critical sections for multithreading |
cvrNaming.h [code] | |
cvrNearestNeighborInterpolation.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::nearestNeighborInterpolation |
cvrNewFunctors.h [code] | |
cvrNoise.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::noise, used to add noise to matrices, images channels or vectors in a controlled way |
cvrNormalDistribution.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::normalDistribution to produce random integers normally distributed in an specified interval |
cvrObject.h [code] | Defines the parent class of most classes in the CVR-Lib |
cvrParametersManager.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::parametersManager, which provides a standard functionality for all classes that manage parameters (e.g |
cvrPassiveWait.h [code] | Contains the function cvr::passiveWait as wrapper for the different OS dependent passive wait formats with microsecond precision |
cvrPCA.h [code] | Principal Components Analysis |
cvrPerformanceConfig.h [code] | Definition of constants that are used to tweak the performance of some algorithm but need not be changed for every call of a method |
cvrPoint.h [code] | Defines the template type cvr::point<T> and all shortcuts like cvr::ipoint |
cvrPoint3D.h [code] | Defines the template type cvr::point3D<T> and all shortcuts like cvr::ipoint3D |
cvrPointList.h [code] | Defines a class for lists of points |
cvrPolygonPoints.h [code] | |
cvrProgressInfo.h [code] | Contains the class progressInfo, base class for progress information |
cvrProgressReporter.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::progressReporter |
cvrQrDecomposition.h [code] | Compute the QR decomposition of a matrix |
cvrQrSolution.h [code] | |
cvrQuickMedian.h [code] | This file contains the functor quickMedian, which calculates the median quickly |
cvrQuickMedian2.h [code] | This file contains the functor quickMedian, which calculates the median quickly |
cvrQuickPartialSort.h [code] | This file contains the functor quickPartialSort, which calculates the median quickly |
cvrRandomDistribution.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::randomDistribution, which is the parent class of all random distributions in the library |
cvrRansacEstimation.h [code] | Contains the template class cvr::ransacEstimation<E>, used to estimate any transformation E with help of the RANSAC algorithm |
cvrRectangle.h [code] | Contains template class for aligned rectangles, which are described through two points |
cvrRectLocation.h [code] | Definition of cvr::rectLocation which is a rectangular local region around an interest point |
cvrResizeType.h [code] | Contains the enum eResizeType which provides global constants to control the behaviour of resize methods |
cvrRGBAPixel.h [code] | Contains the basic template class to represent RGB pixels with an alpha channel |
cvrRGBPixel.h [code] | Contains the basic template class to represent RGB pixels (without an alpha channel) |
cvrRound.h [code] | Definition of some usually used global functions for mathematical rounding (round, iround, lround and cround_cast) |
cvrSecondOrderStatistics.h [code] | Contains the functor secondOrderStatistics, for means, variances and covariance matrix |
cvrSemaphore.h [code] | Contains the cvr::semaphore wrapper class to encapulate the differences between the POSIX and Win32 concepts |
cvrSeparableKernel.h [code] | Contains the template class seperableKernel<T> |
cvrSimilarityTransformation2D.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::similarityTransformation2D, which is used to transform coordinate points in a planar transformation with only rotation and translation |
cvrSinCos.h [code] | Contains platform and/or compiler specific implementations of sincos, sincosf, and sincosl - always appending _impl to the name |
cvrSmallObjectList.h [code] | Defines a list similar to the std::list but specialized for an efficient access of small objects |
cvrSort.h [code] | Sort the elements in a matrix or vector |
cvrSort2.h [code] | Sort the elements in a matrix or vector |
cvrSortingOrder.h [code] | Contains the enum eSortingOrder for specifying sorting order |
cvrSplitImage.h [code] | Definition of cvr::splitImage which is the base class of all functors that split an image into three different color channels of some color space |
cvrSplitImageToHSI.h [code] | Contains the functor splitImageToHSI which splits images into hue saturation and intensity |
cvrSplitImageToRGB.h [code] | Definition of cvr::splitImageToRGB which splits an image into three different color channels red, green, and blue (RGB) |
cvrSplitImageTorgI.h [code] | Contains the functor splitImageTorgI which splits images into chromaticity and intensity channels |
cvrSplitImageToYCbCr.h [code] | Split color image to YCbCr |
cvrSplitImageToYIQ.h [code] | Split color image to YIQ |
cvrSplitImageToYPbPr.h [code] | Split color image to YPbPr |
cvrSplitImageToYUV.h [code] | Split color image to YUV |
cvrStatus.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::status, which is the parent class for all classes that can provide status information |
cvrStatusMonitor.h [code] | Contains the parent class for all status monitors, which are objects that control what to do with error reports in functors, classifiers, viewers and ioHandlers |
cvrStatusMonitorCerr.h [code] | Contains a status monitor that displays the information as soon as a setStatusString is called |
cvrStatusMonitorException.h [code] | Contains a status monitor that displays the information as soon as a setStatusString is called |
cvrStreamProgressInfo.h [code] | Contains the class streamProgressInfo, which prints progress information to a string |
cvrSurfLocalDescriptor.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::surfLocalDescriptor, which computes local descriptors with the SURF approach |
cvrSVD.h [code] | Singular Value Decomposition |
cvrSymmetricEigenSystem.h [code] | Contains the template class symmetricEigenSystem<T> that uses LAPACK if available |
cvrThread.h [code] | Contains the cvr::thread wrapper class to encapulate the differences between the POSIX threads in *ix systems and the Win32 concepts |
cvrTimer.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::timer to measure wall-clock times with microsecond precision |
cvrTypeInfo.h [code] | Definition of some template functions that give information about its template type |
cvrTypes.h [code] | This file contains the definitions of the basic types used in the CVR-Lib |
cvrUndebug.h [code] | Undefinition of macros for debug purposes |
cvrUniformContinuousDistribution.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::uniformContinuousDistribution to produce random integers uniformly distributed in an specified interval |
cvrUniformDiscreteDistribution.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::uniformDiscreteDistribution to produce random integers uniformly distributed in an specified interval |
cvrUnivariateContinuousDistribution.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::univariateContinuousDistribution, parent of all univariate continuous random distributions |
cvrUnivariateDiscreteDistribution.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::univariateDiscreteDistribution, parent of all univariate discrete random distributions |
cvrUsePalette.h [code] | Contains class to create a color image from a labeled mask and a palette of colors (one for each label) |
cvrValidator.h [code] | Contains a class that checks the validity of the elements of matrices and vectors of floating point types (e.g |
cvrVector.h [code] | Contains the template class cvr::vector, which is the mathematical version of cvr::genericVector |
cvrViewer2D.h [code] | Contains the class cvr::viewer2D used to visualized images and channels |
cvrViewer2DGtk.h [code] | This is a "private" file |
cvrViewer2DPainter.h [code] | Contains the functor that the viewer2D uses to paint the data |
cvrViewerBase.h [code] | Contains the abstract base class for all CVR-Lib viewers |
cvrViewerBaseGtk.h [code] | This is a "private" file |
cvrWinConfig.h [code] | |
cvrWinConfigNoExtern.h [code] | |