CVR-Lib last update 20 Sep 2009

cvr Namespace Reference

Namespace in which all classes, functions and constants of the CVR-Lib are defined. More...


namespace  internal


class  allocException
 allocException is thrown if a memory allocation problem occurs More...
class  className
 Provides methods for getting the class names of cvr::objects. More...
class  constReferenceException
 constReferenceException class More...
class  exception
 Base class for all CVR-Libexceptions. More...
class  factory
 Factory of objects of base type T. More...
class  factoryReferences
 Factory references. More...
class  functor
 Base class for all lti functors. More...
class  invalidParametersException
 Exception thrown when the parameters are not set. More...
class  object
 Base class for most objects in the CVR-Lib. More...
class  parametersManager
 Base class for all classes with parameters. More...
class  progressInfo
 This class can be overloaded to display the training progress of a process. More...
class  progressReporter
 Interface for all objects that provide progressInfo interface. More...
class  status
 Base class for all CVR-Lib objects that have a status for error handling. More...
class  streamProgressInfo
 This class is a default implementation for the progress info interface. More...
class  bresenhamCircle
 Functor for rendering circle segments with the Bresenham circle drawing algorithm. More...
class  bresenhamLine
 Functor for rendering line segments with the Bresenham line drawing algorithm. More...
class  draw
 Object for drawing a number of geometric figures and lists thereof, simple texts and a few other types with graphic representation in a cvr::matrix. More...
class  drawBase
 Abstract parent class for draw and epsDraw. More...
class  viewer2DPainter
 Class viewer2DPainter. More...
class  affineLocation
 The affineLocation class is simply used to store the parameters associated with an affine location. More...
class  areaPoints
 List of all points within an area. More...
class  bilinearInterpolation
 This functor use bilinear interpolation to approximate values between the pixels or elements of vectors and matrices. More...
class  borderPoints
 Direct border point representation of a contour. More...
class  boundaryExpansion
 Class boundaryExpansion. More...
class  chainCode
 Elements of a Chaincode. More...
class  channel
 A format for float channels. More...
class  channel32
 A format for 32-bit channels. More...
class  channel8
 A format for 8-bit channels. More...
class  channelC
 Complex channel. More...
class  channelProcessingInterface
 Class channelProcessingInterface. More...
class  colorQuantization
 Abstract parent class for all color quantization algorithms. More...
class  contrastEnhancement
 Class contrastEnhancement. More...
class  convexHull
 Computes the convex hull of a set of points. More...
class  fastHessianDetection
 Class fastHessianDetection. More...
class  filledUpsampling
 Filled upsampling (or upsampling with zero-order interpolation). More...
class  genericChannel
 Class genericChannel. More...
class  genericInterpolation
 This functor uses a generic interpolation concept based on look-up-tables for the interpolation kernels. More...
class  geometricTransformBase
 Class geometricTransformBase. More...
class  geometricTransform
 Class geometricTransform. More...
class  histogramEqualization
 Histogram equalization. More...
class  hueLUT
 Following class provides a mono-state object that contains a 0.5MB Look-up Table to accelerate the computation of hues. More...
class  image
 The one and only RGBA-image format. More...
class  integralImage
 Class integralImage. More...
class  ioPoints
 Input-Output discrete contour representation. More...
class  kernel1D
 One-dimensional filter kernel. More...
class  kernel2D
 Two-dimensional filter kernel. More...
class  kMColorQuantization
 k-Means based color quantization. More...
class  labelAdjacencyMap
 Visualize a label mask in a color image. More...
class  location
 The location class specifies an interest point and a small surrounding region in an image or channel. More...
class  locationDetection
 Abstract class locationDetection. More...
class  locationMatch
 Class locationMatch. More...
class  matrixProcessingInterface
 Class matrixProcessingInterface. More...
class  matrixTransform
 Class matrixTransform. More...
class  mergeHSIToImage
 Merge HSI (Hue Saturation Intensity) channels. More...
class  mergeImage
 Abstract base class for all merge image functor-classes. More...
class  mergeRGBToImage
 Merge RGB channels. More...
class  mergeYCbCrToImage
 Creates RGB values from given YCbCr values by merging float or ubyte values to an rgbPixel, merging channels(floats) or channel8s(ubytes) to an Image. More...
class  mergeYIQToImage
 Merge YIQ channels (Luminance, Inphase, Quadrature). More...
class  mergeYPbPrToImage
 Creates RGB values from given YPbPr values by merging float or ubyte values to an rgbaPixel, merging channels(floats) or channel8s(ubytes) to an Image. More...
class  mergeYUVToImage
 Compute RGB values from given YUV values by merging float or ubyte values to an rgbaPixel, merging channels(floats) or matrix<ubyte>s(ubytes) to an Image. More...
class  nearestNeighborInterpolation
 This functor use nearestNeighbor interpolation to approximate values between the pixels or elements of vectors and matrices. More...
class  polygonPoints
 Contour classes: polygonPoints. More...
class  rectLocation
 The rectLocation class specifies a small region in an image or channel around an interest point. More...
class  separableKernel
 Separable Kernel. More...
class  splitImage
 Abstract parent class for all classes that split an image into different color spaces components (color channels). More...
class  splitImageToHSI
 Split image into its Hue - Saturation - Intensity channels. More...
class  splitImageToRGB
 Split image into its Red - Green - Blue channels. More...
class  splitImageTorgI
 Split image in its chromaticity channels. More...
class  splitImageToYCbCr
 Computes the YCbCr values from a given RGB color representation (rgbaPixel). More...
class  splitImageToYIQ
 Split image in its Luminance Inphase Quadrature channels. More...
class  splitImageToYPbPr
 Computes the YPbPr values from a given RGB color representation (rgbaPixel). More...
class  splitImageToYUV
 Computes the YUV values from a given RGB color representation (rgbaPixel). More...
class  surfLocalDescriptor
 Class surfLocalDescriptor. More...
class  usePalette
 Use color or gray-valued palette. More...
class  endianness
 Endianness. More...
class  ioBMP
 Class to load and save images and channels in the BMP format. More...
class  ioImage
 Class to read/write image files. More...
class  ioImageInterface
 Base class to all classes that read from or write to a image file. More...
class  ioJPEG
 Class to read and write images store in the Joint Picture Expert Group file format (JPEG). More...
class  ioPNG
 Class to read and write files with images and channels in PNG format. More...
class  loadImageList
 This class allows convenient loading of a set of images. More...
class  ioHandler
 Input/output handlers. More...
class  ioObject
 Basic input/output class for data objects. More...
class  lispStreamHandler
 The lispStreamHandler class offers an interface for the functor parameters and other classes to read() and write() them in a LISP-like format. More...
class  statusMonitor
 Class statusMonitor. More...
class  statusMonitorCerr
 Class statusMonitorCerr. More...
class  statusMonitorException
 Class statusMonitorException. More...
class  affineTransformation2D
 Class affineTransformation2D. More...
class  arctanLUT
 Following class provides a mono-state object that contains a 1MB Look-up Table to accelerate the computation of the arc-tangens. More...
class  complex
 Class to represent and manipulate complex numbers. More...
class  constants
 This class is a container of some mathematical and physical constants as static member functions. More...
class  decompositionSolution
 Abstract base class for all lti linear equation system solution functors using matrix decomposition to solve Ax=b. More...
class  distanceFunctor
 This class is the base class for all functors which compute distances between two vectors or matrices. More...
class  euclideanDistanceFunctor
 This class is the base class for all functors which compute distances between two vectors or matrices. More...
class  euclideanSqrDistantor
 Policy class used by several classifiers/trees to measure the square of the euclidean distance between two points of type T. More...
class  euclideanDistantor
 Policy class used by several classifiers/trees to measure the euclidean distance between two points of type T. More...
class  euclideanTransformation2D
 Class euclideanTransformation2D. More...
class  fixedGridInterpolation
 This abstract class parents all interpolation functors, whose samples have equal distances to each other (per dimension), i.e. More...
class  kdTree
 A class for k-d tree. More...
class  lattice1D
 Mathematical lattice1D container class. More...
class  lattice2D
 Container class for two dimensional lattices with arithmetical operations. More...
class  linearAlgebraFunctor
 Base class for all lti linear algebra functors. More...
class  linearLeastSquares
 Class linearLeastSquares. More...
class  luDecomposition
 LU decomposition functor. More...
class  luSolution
 LU solution functor. More...
class  matrix
 Mathematical matrix container class. More...
class  minimizeBasis
 Functor for the minimization of a basis. More...
class  noise
 Class noise. More...
class  normalDistribution
 Class normalDistribution. More...
class  pca
 Principal Components Analysis (PCA). More...
class  qrDecomposition
 This functor computes a QRDecomposition of a given rectangular m x n Matrix A of the Form:. More...
class  qrSolution
 QR solution functor. More...
class  quickMedian
 Quick median search. More...
class  quickMedian2
 Quick median for two vectors. More...
class  quickPartialSort
 Quick partial sort. More...
class  randomDistribution
 Class randomDistribution. More...
class  ransacEstimation
 Template Class ransacEstimation<E>. More...
class  secondOrderStatistics
 Computes mean, variance, and/or covariance matrix of data matrices and vectors. More...
class  similarityTransformation2D
 Class similarityTransformation2D. More...
class  sort
 Sort vectors. More...
class  sort2
 Sort two vectors, using the first one as key. More...
class  svd
 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). More...
class  symmetricEigenSystem
 Computes the Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of a symmetric, positive definite, real matrix. More...
class  uniformContinuousDistribution
 Class uniformContinuousDistribution. More...
class  uniformDiscreteDistribution
 Class uniformDiscreteDistribution. More...
class  univariateContinuousDistribution
 Class univariateContinuousDistribution. More...
class  univariateDiscreteDistribution
 Class univariateDiscreteDistribution. More...
class  validator
 Matrix and Vector validity check. More...
class  vector
 Mathematical vector container class. More...
class  mutex
 Mutex class for the library. More...
class  semaphore
 Class for inter-thread synchronisation concept of semaphores. More...
class  thread
 CVR-Lib thread class. More...
class  timer
 The timer allows to measure time with a precision of about 30us on Linux systems and a value dependent on the performance counter on Windows systems. More...
class  container
 Abstract base class to all container classes. More...
class  distanceType
 This class defines the appropriate return types when calculating the distance between two values of type T. More...
class  genericLattice1D
 Generic Lattice 1D container. More...
class  genericLattice2D
 Container class for two dimensional lattices. More...
class  genericMatrix
 Container class for generic matrices. More...
class  genericVector
 Vector container class. More...
class  interval
 A one dimensional interval, giving the from and to values. More...
class  line
 Type for computations with lines. More...
class  list
 A linked list, implemented either as a cvr::smallObjectList for objects whose size is less than or equal to _CVR_PERFORMANCE_LIST_OBJECT_SIZE_THRESHOLD, or as a std::list for bigger objects. More...
class  point
 Two dimensional point, containing the coordinates x, y. More...
class  point3D
 Three dimensional point, containing the coordinates x, y, z. More...
class  pointList
 Template class to store a list of points. More...
class  rectangleSide
 Policy class to compute the size of a rectangle's side and the inverse transformation. More...
class  rectangle
 Rectangle representation class. More...
class  rgbaPixel
 Color pixel representation in RGB color space with an alpha channel. More...
class  rgbPixel
 Color pixel representation in RGB color space. More...
class  smallObjectList
 List of objects of small size. More...
class  typeInfo
 This class allows to ask some information required in the CVR-Libfor some types. More...
class  typeInfo< U< T > >
 This tricky specialization lets the typeInfo of any template class with a single template parameter make use of the typeInfo of its template parameter. More...
class  externViewer2D
 External viewer for 2D images. More...
class  guiServer
 Class guiServer. More...
class  viewer2D
 Class viewer2D. More...
class  gtkCurveSelection
 Dialog for curve selection. More...
class  viewerBase
 Class viewerBase. More...
class  lapackInterface
 Interface object for LAPACK functions. More...


typedef vector< rgbaPixelpalette
typedef kernel1D< int32ikernel1D
typedef kernel1D< float > fkernel1D
typedef kernel1D< double > dkernel1D
typedef kernel1D< ubytebkernel1D
typedef kernel2D< int32ikernel2D
typedef kernel2D< float > fkernel2D
typedef kernel2D< double > dkernel2D
typedef kernel2D< ubytebkernel2D
typedef polygonPoints< int > ipolygonPoints
typedef separableKernel< int > iseparableKernel
typedef separableKernel< float > fseparableKernel
typedef separableKernel< double > dseparableKernel
typedef separableKernel< ubytebseparableKernel
typedef lattice1D< double > dlattice1D
typedef lattice1D< float > flattice1D
typedef lattice1D< int32ilattice1D
typedef lattice2D< double > dlattice2D
typedef lattice2D< float > flattice2D
typedef lattice2D< int32ilattice2D
typedef _CVR_F2C_INTEGER integer
typedef matrix< double > dmatrix
typedef matrix< float > fmatrix
typedef matrix< int32imatrix
typedef vector< double > dvector
typedef vector< float > fvector
typedef vector< int32ivector
typedef interval< int > iinterval
typedef interval< unsigned int > uiinterval
typedef interval< double > dinterval
typedef interval< float > finterval
typedef line< int > iline
typedef line< double > dline
typedef line< float > fline
typedef point< int > ipoint
typedef point< unsigned int > uipoint
typedef point< double > dpoint
typedef point< float > fpoint
typedef point3D< int > ipoint3D
typedef point3D< float > fpoint3D
typedef point3D< double > dpoint3D
typedef pointList< int > ipointList
typedef rectangle< int > irectangle
typedef rectangle< float > frectangle
typedef rectangle< double > drectangle
typedef rgbPixel< int > irgbPixel
typedef rgbPixel< float > frgbPixel
typedef rgbPixel< double > drgbPixel
typedef unsigned _CVR_BYTE ubyte
typedef signed _CVR_BYTE byte
typedef unsigned _CVR_WORD16 uint16
typedef signed _CVR_WORD16 int16
typedef unsigned _CVR_WORD32 uint32
typedef signed _CVR_WORD32 int32
typedef float sreal
typedef double dreal


enum  eInterpolationType { NearestNeighborInterpolation, BilinearInterpolation, BiquadraticInterpolation, BicubicInterpolation }
enum  eEndiannessType { LittleEndian, BigEndian }
enum  eDataRepresentationType { Rows, Columns }
enum  eMedianEvenCase { TakeLower, TakeHigher }
enum  eSortingOrder { Ascending, Descending }
enum  eBoundaryType {
  Zero, Mirror, Periodic, Constant,
enum  eConstantReference { VariableReference, ConstantReference }
enum  eResizeType { AllocateOnly, Copy, Init, CopyAndInit }


bool isNull (const void *p)
bool notNull (const void *p)
void setStatusMonitor (statusMonitor &monitor)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, affineLocation &loc, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const affineLocation &loc, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, chainCode &cc, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const chainCode &cc, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, fastHessianDetection::eExtremaType &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const fastHessianDetection::eExtremaType &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, fastHessianDetection::eLevelSelectionMethod &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const fastHessianDetection::eLevelSelectionMethod &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, fastHessianDetection::eLocationSelectionMode &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const fastHessianDetection::eLocationSelectionMode &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, geometricTransformBase::eResizeMode &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const geometricTransformBase::eResizeMode &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, eInterpolationType &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const eInterpolationType &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, location &mat, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const location &mat, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, locationMatch::eMatchType &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const locationMatch::eMatchType &data)
template<typename T >
matrix< T > rotation (const point3D< T > &center, const point3D< T > &axis, const T &angle)
template<typename T >
matrix< T > rotation (const point< T > &center, const T &angle)
template<typename T >
matrix< T > translation (const point3D< T > &s)
template<typename T >
matrix< T > translation (const point< T > &s)
template<typename T >
matrix< T > scaling (const point3D< T > &s)
template<typename T >
matrix< T > scaling (const point< T > &s)
template<typename T >
matrix< T > projection (const T &f)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, rectLocation &mat, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const rectLocation &mat, const bool complete=true)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const separableKernel< T > &kern)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, surfLocalDescriptor::eOrientationMode &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const surfLocalDescriptor::eOrientationMode &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const ioObject &p, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, ioObject &p, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, eDataRepresentationType &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const eDataRepresentationType &data)
template<class T >
bool intersection (const point< T > &p1, const point< T > &p2, const point< T > &p3, const point< T > &p4, point< T > &p)
template<class T >
bool intersection (const point< T > &p1, const point< T > &p2, const point< T > &p3, const point< T > &p4)
template<class T >
minDistanceSqr (const point< T > &p1, const point< T > &p2, const point< T > &p3, point< T > &p)
template<class T >
minDistanceSqr (const point< T > &p1, const point< T > &p2, const point< T > &p3)
template<class T >
minDistanceSqr (const point< T > &p1, const point< T > &p2, const point< T > &p3, const point< T > &p4, point< T > &pa, point< T > &pb)
template<class T >
int clockwiseTurn (const point< T > &p0, const point< T > &p1, const point< T > &p2)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, linearLeastSquares::eAlgorithm &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const linearLeastSquares::eAlgorithm &data)
template<class T >
bool closeTo (const T &a, const T &b, const T epsilon=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
template<class T >
bool closeToZero (const T &a, const T epsilon=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
template<typename T >
min (const T x, const T y)
template<typename T >
max (const T x, const T y)
template<typename T >
min (const T x, const T y, const T z)
template<typename T >
max (const T x, const T y, const T z)
template<typename T >
within (const T x, const T lower, const T upper)
template<typename T >
void minmax (const T x, const T y, T &theMin, T &theMax)
template<typename T >
void minmax (T &theMin, T &theMax)
template<typename T >
void minmax (const T x, T &theMin, T &theMax)
double degToRad (const double &deg)
float degToRad (const float &deg)
double degToRad (const int deg)
double radToDeg (const double &rad)
float radToDeg (const float &rad)
byte abs (byte x)
int abs (int x)
float abs (float x)
double abs (const double &x)
template<typename T >
absdiff (const T &x, const T &y)
double reciprocal (const double &x)
float reciprocal (const float &x)
double oneMinus (const double &x)
float oneMinus (const float &x)
int oneMinus (const int x)
template<typename T >
rectify (const T &x)
template<typename T >
sqr (const T &x)
template<typename T >
sqrAbs (const T &x)
template<typename T >
conj (const T cn)
int sqrt (int x)
unsigned int sqrt (unsigned int x)
float sqrt (const float &x)
double sqrt (const double &x)
template<typename T >
sqrtrect (const T x)
float sigmoid (const float x)
double sigmoid (const double &x)
double sigmoid (const int x)
template<typename T >
signum (T x)
template<typename T >
signum0 (T x)
template<typename T >
bool even (const T x)
template<typename T >
bool odd (const T x)
template<typename T >
void householder (vector< T > &v, T &beta)
template<typename T >
void householder (const vector< T > &src, vector< T > &v, T &beta)
template<typename T >
void givens (const T &a, const T &b, T &c, T &s)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, eMedianEvenCase &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const eMedianEvenCase &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, minimizeBasis::eDeviationType &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const minimizeBasis::eDeviationType &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, randomDistribution::eNumberGenerator &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const randomDistribution::eNumberGenerator &data)
template<typename T >
round (T x)
template<typename T >
int iround (T x)
template<typename T >
long lround (T x)
template<typename T , typename F >
cround_cast (const F from)
template<class T >
void sincos (T angle, T &sval, T &cval)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, eSortingOrder &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const eSortingOrder &data)
void passiveWait (const int usTime)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, eBoundaryType &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const eBoundaryType &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, eConstantReference &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const eConstantReference &data)
template<typename T >
bool read (ioHandler &handler, interval< T > &p, const bool complete=true)
template<typename T >
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const interval< T > &p, const bool complete=true)
template<class T >
bool read (ioHandler &handler, line< T > &l, const bool complete=true)
template<class T >
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const line< T > &l, const bool complete=true)
template<typename T >
bool read (ioHandler &handler, point< T > &p, const bool complete=true)
template<typename T >
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const point< T > &p, const bool complete=true)
template<typename T >
bool read (ioHandler &handler, point3D< T > &p, const bool complete=true)
template<typename T >
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const point3D< T > &p, const bool complete=true)
template<class T >
bool read (ioHandler &handler, pointList< T > &plst, const bool complete=true)
template<class T >
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const pointList< T > &plst, const bool complete=true)
template<typename T , class S >
bool read (ioHandler &handler, rectangle< T, S > &p, const bool complete=true)
template<typename T , class S >
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const rectangle< T, S > &p, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, eResizeType &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const eResizeType &data)
rgbaPixel operator* (const int p, const rgbaPixel &other)
rgbaPixel operator* (const float p, const rgbaPixel &other)
rgbaPixel operator* (const double &p, const rgbaPixel &other)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, rgbaPixel &p, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const rgbaPixel &p, const bool complete=true)
template<typename T >
rgbPixel< T > operator* (const int p, const rgbPixel< T > &other)
template<typename T >
rgbPixel< T > operator* (const float p, const rgbPixel< T > &other)
template<typename T >
rgbPixel< T > operator* (const double &p, const rgbPixel< T > &other)
template<typename T >
bool read (ioHandler &handler, rgbPixel< T > &p, const bool complete=true)
template<typename T >
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const rgbPixel< T > &p, const bool complete=true)
Color Constants.
These color constants are defined in the file cvrColors.h.

Note that the color names are all own creations, they are not correlated to any official naming standards at all.

static const rgbaPixel Black (0, 0, 0)
static const rgbaPixel Red (255, 0, 0)
static const rgbaPixel Green (0, 255, 0)
static const rgbaPixel Blue (0, 0, 255)
static const rgbaPixel Yellow (255, 255, 0)
static const rgbaPixel Magenta (255, 0, 255)
static const rgbaPixel Cyan (0, 255, 255)
static const rgbaPixel White (255, 255, 255)
static const rgbaPixel DarkRed (127, 0, 0)
static const rgbaPixel DarkGreen (0, 127, 0)
static const rgbaPixel DarkBlue (0, 0, 127)
static const rgbaPixel DarkYellow (127, 127, 0)
static const rgbaPixel DarkCyan (0, 127, 127)
static const rgbaPixel DarkMagenta (127, 0, 127)
static const rgbaPixel BrightGreen (0, 255, 127)
static const rgbaPixel BrightBlue (0, 127, 255)
static const rgbaPixel BrightRed (255, 127, 64)
static const rgbaPixel BrightMagenta (255, 127, 255)
static const rgbaPixel BrightYellow (255, 255, 127)
static const rgbaPixel BrightCyan (127, 255, 255)
static const rgbaPixel DarkOrange (192, 64, 0)
static const rgbaPixel Fusia (255, 0, 127)
static const rgbaPixel Pink (255, 127, 127)
static const rgbaPixel LawnGreen (127, 255, 0)
static const rgbaPixel Lemon (127, 255, 127)
static const rgbaPixel LightBlue (0, 127, 255)
static const rgbaPixel DarkViolet (127, 0, 255)
static const rgbaPixel Violet (127, 127, 255)
rgbaPixel scale (const rgbaPixel &src, double f)
rgbaPixel darker (const rgbaPixel &src, double f=0.5)
rgbaPixel brighter (const rgbaPixel &src, double f=0.5)
rgbaPixel grey (int t)
rgbaPixel gray (int t)
rgbaPixel grey (double t)
rgbaPixel gray (double t)
static const rgbaPixel Grey100 (255, 255, 255)
static const rgbaPixel Grey75 (191, 191, 191)
static const rgbaPixel Grey50 (127, 127, 127)
static const rgbaPixel Grey25 (63, 63, 63)
static const rgbaPixel Grey0 (0, 0, 0)
Read functions for standard types
bool read (ioHandler &handler, std::string &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, double &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, float &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, int &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, unsigned int &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, char &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, byte &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, ubyte &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, bool &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, long &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, unsigned long &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, short &data)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, unsigned short &data)
Write functions for standard types
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const char *data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const double &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const float &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const int data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const unsigned int &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const char &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const byte &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const ubyte &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const bool data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const long &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const unsigned long &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const short &data)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const unsigned short &data)
Read functions with standard storable interface
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, std::string &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, double &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, float &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, int &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, unsigned int &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, char &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, byte &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, ubyte &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, bool &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, long &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, unsigned long &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, short &data, const bool complete=true)
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, unsigned short &data, const bool complete=true)
template<class T >
bool read (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, T &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const std::string &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const char *data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const double &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const float &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const int data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const unsigned int &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const char &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const byte &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const ubyte &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const bool data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const long &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const unsigned long &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const short &data, const bool complete=true)
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const unsigned short &data, const bool complete=true)
template<class T >
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const std::string &name, const T &data, const bool complete=true)
Euclidean Distances Functions
global functions to compute the L2 distance between two n-dimensional point representations

template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistance (const T &a, const T &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistance (const vector< T > &a, const vector< T > &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistance (const matrix< T > &a, const matrix< T > &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistance (const std::vector< T > &a, const std::vector< T > &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistance (const point< T > &a, const point< T > &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistance (const point3D< T > &a, const point3D< T > &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistance (const rgbPixel< T > &a, const rgbPixel< T > &b)
distanceType< rgbaPixel >
euclideanDistance (const rgbaPixel &a, const rgbaPixel &b)
square of Euclidean Distances Functions
global functions to compute the square of the L2 distance between two n-dimensional point representations

template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistanceSqr (const T &a, const T &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistanceSqr (const vector< T > &a, const vector< T > &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistanceSqr (const matrix< T > &a, const matrix< T > &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistanceSqr (const std::vector< T > &a, const std::vector< T > &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistanceSqr (const point< T > &a, const point< T > &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistanceSqr (const point3D< T > &a, const point3D< T > &b)
template<class T >
distanceType< T >
euclideanDistanceSqr (const rgbPixel< T > &a, const rgbPixel< T > &b)
distanceType< rgbaPixel >
euclideanDistanceSqr (const rgbaPixel &a, const rgbaPixel &b)


__extension__ typedef unsigned
__extension__ typedef signed
const palette emptyPalette
const double Pi = 3.1415926535897932
const double NaN = log(-1.0)
const double Inf = tan(Pi/2.0)
const int32 MinInt24 = -0x00800000
const int32 MaxInt24 = +0x007fffff

Operators for complex numbers

typedef complex< float > fcomplex
typedef complex< double > dcomplex
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator+ (const complex< T > &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator+ (const complex< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator+ (const T &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator- (const complex< T > &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator- (const complex< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator- (const T &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator* (const complex< T > &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator* (const complex< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator* (const T &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator/ (const complex< T > &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator/ (const complex< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator/ (const T &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator+ (const complex< T > &a)
template<typename T >
complex< T > operator- (const complex< T > &a)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const complex< T > &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const complex< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const T &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const complex< T > &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const complex< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const T &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (const complex< T > &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (const complex< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (const T &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator> (const complex< T > &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator> (const complex< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator> (const T &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
real (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
imag (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
sqrAbs (const complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
abs (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
arg (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
norm (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > polar (const T &radius, const T &angle)
template<typename T >
complex< T > conj (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > cos (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > cosh (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > acos (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > exp (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > log (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > log10 (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > sin (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > sinh (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > asin (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > sqrt (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > cbrt (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > cubeRoot (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > tan (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > tanh (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > atan (const complex< T > &cn)
template<typename T >
complex< T > pow (const complex< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > pow (const complex< T > &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
complex< T > pow (const T &a, const complex< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool read (ioHandler &handler, complex< T > &p, const bool complete=true)
template<typename T >
bool write (ioHandler &handler, const complex< T > &p, const bool complete=true)

Detailed Description

Namespace in which all classes, functions and constants of the CVR-Lib are defined.

Typedef Documentation

One dimensional kernel of unsigned bytes.

One dimensional kernel of unsigned bytes.

Separable kernel of unsigned bytes.

typedef complex<double> cvr::dcomplex

Alias for cvr::complex<double>.

typedef interval<double> cvr::dinterval

A interval with double coordinates.

typedef kernel1D<double> cvr::dkernel1D

One dimensional kernel of doubles.

typedef kernel2D<double> cvr::dkernel2D

One dimensional kernel of doubles.

typedef lattice1D<double> cvr::dlattice1D

Lattice1D of double.

typedef lattice2D<double> cvr::dlattice2D

Lattice2D of double.

typedef line<double> cvr::dline

A line with double coordinates.

typedef matrix<double> cvr::dmatrix

Matrix of double.

typedef point<double> cvr::dpoint

A point with double coordinates.

typedef point3D<double> cvr::dpoint3D

A point3D with double coordinates.

typedef rectangle<double> cvr::drectangle

A rectangle with double coordinates.

typedef rgbPixel<double> cvr::drgbPixel

Alias for rgbPixel<double>.

Separable kernel of doubles.

typedef vector<double> cvr::dvector

Vector of double.

typedef complex<float> cvr::fcomplex

Alias for cvr::complex<float>.

typedef interval<float> cvr::finterval

A interval with float coordinates.

typedef kernel1D<float> cvr::fkernel1D

One dimensional kernel of floats.

typedef kernel2D<float> cvr::fkernel2D

One dimensional kernel of floats.

typedef lattice1D<float> cvr::flattice1D

Lattice1D of float.

typedef lattice2D<float> cvr::flattice2D

Lattice2D of float.

typedef line<float> cvr::fline

A line with float coordinates.

typedef matrix<float> cvr::fmatrix

Matrix of float.

typedef point<float> cvr::fpoint

A point with float coordinates.

typedef point3D<float> cvr::fpoint3D

A point3D with float coordinates.

typedef rectangle<float> cvr::frectangle

A rectangle with float coordinates.

typedef rgbPixel<float> cvr::frgbPixel

Alias for rgbPixel<float>.

Separable kernel of floats.

typedef vector<float> cvr::fvector

Vector of float.

typedef interval<int> cvr::iinterval

A interval with integer coordinates.

One dimensional kernel of integers.

One dimensional kernel of integers.

Lattice1D of integer.

Lattice2D of integer.

typedef line<int> cvr::iline

A line with integer coordinates.

Matrix of integer.

typedef _CVR_F2C_INTEGER cvr::integer

Type of integer as defined in f2c.h.

This is a type used to adapt different implementations of Fortran-C adapters.

typedef point<int> cvr::ipoint

A point with integer coordinates.

typedef point3D<int> cvr::ipoint3D

A point3D with integer coordinates.

typedef pointList<int> cvr::ipointList

ipointList is a list of points with integer coordinates

Polygon Points of Integer Points.

typedef rectangle<int> cvr::irectangle

A rectangle with integer coordinates.

typedef rgbPixel<int> cvr::irgbPixel

Alias for rgbPixel<int>.

Separable kernel of integers.

Vector of integer.

Vector of rgbaPixel: used as a color palette.

typedef interval<unsigned int> cvr::uiinterval

A interval with unsigned integer coordinates.

typedef point<unsigned int> cvr::uipoint

A point with unsigned integer coordinates.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Determines how a data sample is represented when a matrix is given.

In the CVR-Lib a row in a matrix usually corresponds to a data sample or point. Choose Rows for this behaviour. However, you can also choose Columns for the opposite.

Rows  Data samples are in each row of a matrix.
Columns  Data samples are in each column of a matrix.

Endianness naming constants.

LittleEndian  Little Endian (Like in Intel x86 Processors).
BigEndian  Big Endian (Like in IBM PowerPC Processors).

Interpolation Type.

This type is used to indicate how sub-pixel position should be computed.

NearestNeighborInterpolation  Nearest Neighbor Interpolation.
BilinearInterpolation  Bilinear Interpolation.
BiquadraticInterpolation  Biquadratic Taps Interpolation.
BicubicInterpolation  Bicubic Interpolation.

The median value of even length vectors is undefined.

It can either be the value before or after half the length. This enum is used to specify which behaviour is desired: TakeLower or TakeHigher.

TakeLower  take the element with the lower index, i.e.

N/2-1 with N the number of elements in the vector

TakeHigher  take the element with the higher index, i.e.

N/2 with N the number of elements in the vector

Type used to specify the sorting order.

Ascending  ascending order
Descending  descending order

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
T cvr::abs ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Get the absolute value of a complex number.

Referenced by cvr::euclideanDistantor< T, D >::component(), and euclideanDistance().

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::acos ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Alias for cvr::complex<float>.

template<typename T >
T cvr::arg ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Get the argument (angle or phase) of a complex number.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::asin ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Arc sine of a complex number.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::atan ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Hyperbolic arc tangent of a complex number.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Black ( ,
) [static]

Constant for the color black.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Blue ( ,
) [static]

Constant for the color blue.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::BrightBlue ( ,
127  ,
) [static]

constant for a kind of bright green.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::BrightCyan ( 127  ,
255  ,
) [static]

constant for some kind of bright cyan.

rgbaPixel cvr::brighter ( const rgbaPixel &  src,
double  f = 0.5 
) [inline]

Function for brightening a color.

src rgbaPixel of the original color
f factor which tells how much darker the new color should be. Example: 0.2 means: Make the color 20% brighter. 0 means: leave the original, 1.0 means: make it twice as bright. Warning: Saturation effects might lead to strange results.
rgbaPixel where R, G and B have the given value t.

References scale().

static const rgbaPixel cvr::BrightGreen ( ,
255  ,
) [static]

constant for a kind of bright green.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::BrightMagenta ( 255  ,
127  ,
) [static]

constant for some kind of bright magenta.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::BrightRed ( 255  ,
127  ,
) [static]

constant for a kind of bright red.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::BrightYellow ( 255  ,
255  ,
) [static]

constant for some kind of bright yellow.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::cbrt ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Cube root of a complex number.

A there are always two solutions for sqrt(x+iy), this method provides the first one consisting in sqrt(m*e^(i*a))=sqrt(m)*e^(i*a/2)

template<typename T >
T cvr::conj ( const T  cn  )  [inline]

Return the conjugate of a scalar number, i.e.

the same number.

This function is used in generic programming algorithms in which also complex numbers are expected.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::conj ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Return the conjugate of the complex number.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::cos ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Cosine of a complex number.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::cosh ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.

template<typename T , typename F >
T cvr::cround_cast ( const F  from  )  [inline]

Conditional round cast.

This template functions cast the given value using rounding if necessary. This means, if you cast between different floating point types, no integer rounding will be done, but if you cast from a floating point value to an integer value, the result will be rounded. For example:

 int i   = cround_cast<int>(3.6); // i will contain 4
 float f = cround_cast<float>(3.6); // i will contain 3.6f

This sort of casting is used in the implementation of several template functions where the output type depends on the current instantiation.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::cubeRoot ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Cube root of a complex number (alias for cbrt()).

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Cyan ( ,
255  ,
) [static]

Constant for the color cyan.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::DarkBlue ( ,
) [static]

Constant for dark blue.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::DarkCyan ( ,
127  ,
) [static]

constant for some kind of dark cyan.

rgbaPixel cvr::darker ( const rgbaPixel &  src,
double  f = 0.5 
) [inline]

Function for darkening a color.

src rgbaPixel of the original color
f factor which tells how much darker the new color should be. Example: 0.2 means: Make the color 20% darker. 0 means: leave the original, 1.0 means: make it black
rgbaPixel where R, G and B have the given value t.

References scale().

static const rgbaPixel cvr::DarkGreen ( ,
127  ,
) [static]

Constant for dark green.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::DarkMagenta ( 127  ,
) [static]

constant for some kind of dark magenta.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::DarkOrange ( 192  ,
64  ,
) [static]

constant for the color orange.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::DarkRed ( 127  ,
) [static]

Constant for dark red.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::DarkViolet ( 127  ,
) [static]

constant for a light blue.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::DarkYellow ( 127  ,
127  ,
) [static]

constant for the color dark yellow

distanceType<rgbaPixel>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistance ( const rgbaPixel &  a,
const rgbaPixel &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistance computes the L2 distance between the RGB values a and b in the RGB color space.

References cvr::rgbaPixel::distanceSqr(), and sqrt().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistance ( const rgbPixel< T > &  a,
const rgbPixel< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistance computes the L2 distance between the RGB values a and b in the RGB color space.

References cvr::rgbPixel< T >::distanceSqr(), and sqrt().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistance ( const point3D< T > &  a,
const point3D< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistance computes the L2 distance between the points a and b.

References cvr::point3D< T >::distanceSqr(), and sqrt().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistance ( const point< T > &  a,
const point< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistance computes the L2 distance between the points a and b.

References cvr::point< T >::distanceSqr(), and sqrt().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistance ( const std::vector< T > &  a,
const std::vector< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistance computes the L2 distance between the std::vectors a and b.

References sqrt().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistance ( const matrix< T > &  a,
const matrix< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistance computes the L2 distance between the cvr::matrix a and b.

References cvr::genericMatrix< T >::begin(), cvr::genericMatrix< T >::end(), cvr::genericMatrix< T >::size(), and sqrt().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistance ( const vector< T > &  a,
const vector< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistance computes the L2 distance between the vectors a and b.

References cvr::genericVector< T >::begin(), cvr::genericVector< T >::end(), cvr::genericVector< T >::size(), and sqrt().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistance ( const T &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Default implementation of the L2 distance between two values of type T.

It is assumed that T is scalar and an efficient implementation is used. T must define the operator- and T must be castable to distanceType<T>::square_distance_type, which in turn must be a possible argument of cvr::abs().

Overloads for most CVR-Lib types are implemented.

References abs().

Referenced by cvr::euclideanDistantor< T, D >::operator()().

distanceType<rgbaPixel>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistanceSqr ( const rgbaPixel &  a,
const rgbaPixel &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistanceSqr computes the L2 distance between the RGB values a and b in the RGB color space.

References cvr::rgbaPixel::distanceSqr().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistanceSqr ( const rgbPixel< T > &  a,
const rgbPixel< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistanceSqr computes the L2 distance between the RGB values a and b in the RGB color space.

References cvr::rgbPixel< T >::distanceSqr().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistanceSqr ( const point3D< T > &  a,
const point3D< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistanceSqr computes the L2 distance between the points a and b.

References cvr::point3D< T >::distanceSqr().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistanceSqr ( const point< T > &  a,
const point< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistanceSqr computes the L2 distance between the points a and b.

References cvr::point< T >::distanceSqr().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistanceSqr ( const std::vector< T > &  a,
const std::vector< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistanceSqr computes the L2 distance between the std::vectors a and b.

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistanceSqr ( const matrix< T > &  a,
const matrix< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistanceSqr computes the L2 distance between the cvr::matrix a and b.

References cvr::genericMatrix< T >::begin(), cvr::genericMatrix< T >::end(), and cvr::genericMatrix< T >::size().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistanceSqr ( const vector< T > &  a,
const vector< T > &  b 
) [inline]

euclideanDistanceSqr computes the L2 distance between the vectors a and b.

References cvr::genericVector< T >::begin(), cvr::genericVector< T >::end(), and cvr::genericVector< T >::size().

template<class T >
distanceType<T>::square_distance_type cvr::euclideanDistanceSqr ( const T &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Default implementation of the square of the L2 distance between two values of type T.

It is assumed that T is scalar and an efficient implementation is used. T must define the operator- and T must be castable to distanceType<T>::square_distance_type, which in turn must be a possible argument of cvr::abs().

Overloads for most CVR-Lib types are implemented.

Referenced by cvr::euclideanSqrDistantor< rgbaPixel >::operator()().

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::exp ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Exponetial of a complex number.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Fusia ( 255  ,
) [static]

constant for the color fusia.

rgbaPixel cvr::gray ( double  t  )  [inline]

function for returning a gray value.

t grey value must be between 0 and 1
rgbaPixel where R, G and B have the given value t*255.

rgbaPixel cvr::gray ( int  t  )  [inline]

function for returning a gray value.

t grey value must be between 0 and 255
rgbaPixel where R, G and B have the given value t.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Green ( ,
255  ,
) [static]

Constant for the color green.

rgbaPixel cvr::grey ( double  t  )  [inline]

function for returning a grey value.

t grey value must be between 0 and 1
rgbaPixel where R, G and B have the given value t*255.

rgbaPixel cvr::grey ( int  t  )  [inline]

function for returning a grey value.

t grey value must be between 0 and 255
rgbaPixel where R, G and B have the given value t.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Grey0 ( ,
) [static]

Definition for a 0% bright grey, i.e.


static const rgbaPixel cvr::Grey100 ( 255  ,
255  ,
) [static]

Definition for a 100% bright grey, i.e.


static const rgbaPixel cvr::Grey25 ( 63  ,
63  ,
) [static]

Definition for a 25% bright grey, i.e.

dark grey

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Grey50 ( 127  ,
127  ,
) [static]

Definition for a 50% bright grey, i.e.

medium grey

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Grey75 ( 191  ,
191  ,
) [static]

Definition for a 75% bright grey, i.e.

bright grey

template<typename T >
T cvr::imag ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Get the imaginary part of a complex number.

bool cvr::isNull ( const void *  p  )  [inline]

Check if the given pointer is NULL.

Referenced by cvr::factory< T >::factory::registration< U >::registration().

static const rgbaPixel cvr::LawnGreen ( 127  ,
255  ,
) [static]

constant for another kind of bright green.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Lemon ( 127  ,
255  ,
) [static]

constant for some kind of lemon color

static const rgbaPixel cvr::LightBlue ( ,
127  ,
) [static]

constant for a light blue.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::log ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Natural logarithm of a complex number (base e).

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::log10 ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Logarithm base 10 of a complex number.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Magenta ( 255  ,
) [static]

Constant for the color magenta.

template<typename T >
T cvr::norm ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Return the square magnitude of the given complex number.

bool cvr::notNull ( const void *  p  )  [inline]

Check if the given pointer is not NULL.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator!= ( const T &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Compare if a real number and a complex one differ.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator!= ( const complex< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Compare if a complex number and a real one differ.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator!= ( const complex< T > &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Compare if two complex numbers differ.

template<typename T >
rgbPixel<T> cvr::operator* ( const double &  p,
const rgbPixel< T > &  other 
) [inline]

Multiply all components of the given pixel with an integer except the alpha channel.

template<typename T >
rgbPixel<T> cvr::operator* ( const float  p,
const rgbPixel< T > &  other 
) [inline]

Multiply all components of the given pixel with an integer except the alpha channel.

template<typename T >
rgbPixel<T> cvr::operator* ( const int  p,
const rgbPixel< T > &  other 
) [inline]

Multiply all components of the given pixel with an integer except the alpha channel.

rgbaPixel cvr::operator* ( const double &  p,
const rgbaPixel &  other 
) [inline]

Multiply all components of the given pixel with an integer except the alpha channel.

rgbaPixel cvr::operator* ( const float  p,
const rgbaPixel &  other 
) [inline]

Multiply all components of the given pixel with an integer except the alpha channel.

rgbaPixel cvr::operator* ( const int  p,
const rgbaPixel &  other 
) [inline]

Multiply all components of the given pixel with an integer except the alpha channel.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator* ( const T &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Multiply a real number with a complex one.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator* ( const complex< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Multiply a complex number with a real one.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator* ( const complex< T > &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Multiply two complex numbers.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator+ ( const complex< T > &  a  )  [inline]

Plus sign a complex number.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator+ ( const T &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Add a real number with a complex number.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator+ ( const complex< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Add a complex number with a real number.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator+ ( const complex< T > &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Add two complex numbers.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator- ( const complex< T > &  a  )  [inline]

Minus sign a complex number.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator- ( const T &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Subtract a complex number from a real one.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator- ( const complex< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Subtract a real number from a complex one.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator- ( const complex< T > &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Subtract two complex numbers.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator/ ( const T &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Divide a real number by a complex one.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator/ ( const complex< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Divide a complex number by a real one.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::operator/ ( const complex< T > &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Divide two complex numbers.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator< ( const T &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

A complex number is "less than" another one if its real part is smaller, or when both real parts are identical, if its imaginary part is smaller.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator< ( const complex< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

A complex number is "less than" another one if its real part is smaller, or when both real parts are identical, if its imaginary part is smaller.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator< ( const complex< T > &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

A complex number is called here "less than" another one if its real part is smaller, or when both real parts are identical, if its imaginary part is smaller.

template<class T >
std::ostream& cvr::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const separableKernel< T > &  kern 
) [inline]

outputs the separable kernel kern on a stream s.

The kernel pairs are printed in the order they are stored in the separable kernel:

 (((first row kernel)
   (first column kernel))
  ((second row kernel)
   (second column kernel))
  ((last row kernel)
   (last column kerne)))

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator== ( const T &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Compare if a real number and a complex number are the same.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator== ( const complex< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Compare if two complex numbers differ.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator== ( const complex< T > &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Compare if two complex numbers are equal.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator> ( const T &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

A complex number is "greater than" another one if its real part is greater, or when both real parts are identical, if its imaginary part is greater.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator> ( const complex< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

A complex number is "greater than" another one if its real part is greater, or when both real parts are identical, if its imaginary part is greater.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::operator> ( const complex< T > &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

A complex number is "greater than" another one if its real part is greater, or when both real parts are identical, if its imaginary part is greater.

void cvr::passiveWait ( const int  usTime  ) 

This global function is a replacement in the lti namespace for the sleep and Sleep functions of Windows and Unix.

To avoid misunderstandings the name has been chosen to be passiveWait instead of "sleep", which has different meanings on the different systems.

The time must always be given in microseconds, although the real precision will be determined by the operating system. (Windows uses milliseconds and Unixes a few microseconds, depending on the implementation of usleep.)

usTime number of microseconds to wait passively

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Pink ( 255  ,
127  ,
) [static]

constant for the color pink.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::polar ( const T &  radius,
const T &  angle 
) [inline]

Convert the given polar values into a complex number.

radius magnitude of the number
angle angle of the number
Equivalent complex number to the polar one

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::pow ( const T &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Real number to the power of b, with complex.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::pow ( const complex< T > &  a,
const complex< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Complex number to the power of b, with complex.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::pow ( const complex< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Complex number to the power of b, with real.

bool cvr::read ( ioHandler &  handler,
rectLocation &  mat,
const bool  complete = true 

Global function to read a cvr::rectLocation from an ioHandler.

bool cvr::read ( ioHandler &  handler,
location &  mat,
const bool  complete = true 

Read a location from the ioHandler.

bool cvr::read ( ioHandler &  handler,
affineLocation &  loc,
const bool  complete = true 

Read a affine location from the ioHandler.

template<typename T >
T cvr::real ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Get the real part of a complex number.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Red ( 255  ,
) [static]

Constant for the color read.

rgbaPixel cvr::scale ( const rgbaPixel &  src,
double  f 
) [inline]

Function for scaling a color's intensity.

src rgbaPixel of the original color
f factor by which to multiply the R, G and B values. Warning: Saturation effects might lead to strange results.
rgbaPixel where R, G and B have the given value t.

References cvr::rgbaPixel::getBlue(), cvr::rgbaPixel::getGreen(), cvr::rgbaPixel::getRed(), and within().

Referenced by brighter(), and darker().

void cvr::setStatusMonitor ( statusMonitor &  monitor  ) 

Global function to set the status monitor in all CVR-Lib objects that manage a status string, like cvr::functor, cvr::ioHandler, cvr::classifier, etc.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::sin ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Sine of a complex number.

template<class T >
void cvr::sincos ( angle,
T &  sval,
T &  cval 
) [inline]

Calculate the sine and cosine values of angle in one step if the setup allows it.

angle the angle
sval sine of the angle
cval cosine of the angle

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::sinh ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Hyperbolic sine of a complex number.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::sqrt ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Square root of a complex number.

A there are always two solutions for sqrt(x+iy), this method provides the first one consisting in sqrt(m*e^(i*a))=sqrt(m)*e^(i*a/2)

Referenced by cvr::euclideanDistantor< T, D >::computeDistance(), and euclideanDistance().

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::tan ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Tangent of a complex number.

template<typename T >
complex<T> cvr::tanh ( const complex< T > &  cn  )  [inline]

Hyperbolic tangent of a complex number.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Violet ( 127  ,
127  ,
) [static]

constant for the color violet.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::White ( 255  ,
255  ,
) [static]

Constant for the color white.

template<class T >
bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const T &  data,
const bool  complete = true 
) [inline]

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const unsigned short &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const short &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const unsigned long &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const long &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const bool  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const ubyte &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const byte &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const char &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const unsigned int &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const int  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const float &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const double &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const char *  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  data,
const bool  complete = true 

@ name Write functions with standard storable interface

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const rectLocation &  mat,
const bool  complete = true 

Global function to write a cvr::rectLocation into an ioHandler.

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const location &  mat,
const bool  complete = true 

Write a location into the ioHandler.

bool cvr::write ( ioHandler &  handler,
const affineLocation &  loc,
const bool  complete = true 

Write a affine location into the ioHandler.

static const rgbaPixel cvr::Yellow ( 255  ,
255  ,
) [static]

Constant for the color yellow.

Variable Documentation

An empty vector used to denote an empty palette.

const int32 cvr::MaxInt24 = +0x007fffff

Maximal int32 value achievable using only 24bits.

const int32 cvr::MinInt24 = -0x00800000

Minimal int32 value achievable using only 24bits.

Generated on Sun Sep 20 22:08:39 2009 for CVR-Lib by Doxygen 1.5.8