CVR-Lib last update 20 Sep 2009

cvr::quickPartialSort Class Reference
[Sorting and scrambling algorithms]

Quick partial sort. More...

#include <cvrQuickPartialSort.h>

Inheritance diagram for cvr::quickPartialSort:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for cvr::quickPartialSort:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 quickPartialSort ()
 quickPartialSort (const quickPartialSort &other)
virtual ~quickPartialSort ()
const std::string & name () const
template<typename T >
bool apply (const int row, const int col, matrix< T > &src, T &data) const
template<typename T >
bool apply (const int row, const int col, const matrix< T > &src, T &data) const
template<typename T >
bool apply (const int row, const int col, const matrix< T > &src, matrix< T > &dest, T &data) const
template<class V >
bool apply (const int pos, V &srcdest, typename V::value_type &data) const
template<class V >
bool apply (const int pos, const V &src, typename V::value_type &data) const
template<class V >
bool apply (const int pos, const V &src, V &dest, typename V::value_type &data) const
template<class V >
V::value_type nth (const int pos, const V &src) const
quickPartialSortcopy (const quickPartialSort &other)
virtual quickPartialSortclone () const
virtual quickPartialSortnewInstance () const

Protected Member Functions

template<class V >
V::value_type findNth (V &vct, const int begin, const int end, const int dataPos) const
template<class V >
int partition (V &vct, const int begin, const int end) const

Detailed Description

Quick partial sort.

This class is used to find the n-th element of an ascending sorted vector or matrix, while avoiding to sort the complete container (that is the reason for the "partial" part in the class name). The algorithm used is based on the quick sort.

On-place applies are in this implementation faster than on copy ones.

Note that this class does not has a nested parameters class, since they are not necessary.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cvr::quickPartialSort::quickPartialSort (  ) 

Default constructor.

cvr::quickPartialSort::quickPartialSort ( const quickPartialSort other  ) 

copy constructor

other the object to be copied

virtual cvr::quickPartialSort::~quickPartialSort (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

template<class V >
bool cvr::quickPartialSort::apply ( const int  pos,
const V &  src,
V &  dest,
typename V::value_type &  data 
) const [inline]

Operates on the given parameter.

pos the position of the element that wants to be found.
src vector with the source data.
dest the partially sorted vector. The elements at the first half of the vector are less or equal than the data and on the other half greater or equal.
data the data value
true on success false otherwise

template<class V >
bool cvr::quickPartialSort::apply ( const int  pos,
const V &  src,
typename V::value_type &  data 
) const [inline]

Operates on the given parameter.

pos the position of the element that wants to be found.
src vector with the source data.
data the data value
true on success false otherwise

template<class V >
bool cvr::quickPartialSort::apply ( const int  pos,
V &  srcdest,
typename V::value_type &  data 
) const [inline]

Find the n-th element of a sorted vector of type V, which can be an cvr::genericVector or any of its derived classes, or a std::vector.

In principle the container type V just needs to support:

  • the type definitions V::size_type and V::value_type,
  • the operator[] returning elements of type V::value_type
  • the V::value_type has to be comparable with the operator<.
  • the method empty()
  • the method size() returning a V::size_type

The resulting vector contains the elements less or equal than the data for the indexes x such that x < size()/2, and higher or equal otherwise.

pos the position of the element that wants to be found.
srcdest vector with the source data. The resultwill be left here too.
data the data value
true on success false otherwise

template<typename T >
bool cvr::quickPartialSort::apply ( const int  row,
const int  col,
const matrix< T > &  src,
matrix< T > &  dest,
T &  data 
) const [inline]

Calculates the data of src, the result is left in dest.

The elements of the matrix will be considered as part of a vector with "columns()" times "rows()" elements.

This method needs to transfer the contents of the src data into the dest matrix, and therefore is not as fast as the one with interface apply(const int,const int,matrix<T>&,T&).

row row index for the element that has to be found.
col column index for the element that has to be found.
src matrix<T> with the source data.
dest partially sorted matrix.
data the data value of the given matrix.
true on success false otherwise

template<typename T >
bool cvr::quickPartialSort::apply ( const int  row,
const int  col,
const matrix< T > &  src,
T &  data 
) const [inline]

Calculates the data of the given matrix, which is NOT modified.

The elements of the matrix will be considered as part of a vector with "columns()" times "rows()" elements.

This method needs to save the contents of the src data, and therefore is not as fast as the one with interface apply(const int,const int,matrix<T>&,T&).

row row index for the element that has to be found.
col column index for the element that has to be found.
src matrix<T> with the source data.
data the data value of the given matrix.
true on success false otherwise

template<typename T >
bool cvr::quickPartialSort::apply ( const int  row,
const int  col,
matrix< T > &  src,
T &  data 
) const [inline]

Calculates which element of the sorted matrix would be at(row,col) if the whole matrix would be sorted.

The given matrix will be modified so that all elements "before" the given coordinates are less than or equal the element at(row,col), and the elements "after" will be greater.

The terms "before" and "after" are stated in the context of concatenation of all rows of the matrix into a large vector.

row row index for the element that has to be found.
col column index for the element that has to be found.
src matrix<T> with the source data.
data the data value of the given matrix.
true on success false otherwise

virtual quickPartialSort* cvr::quickPartialSort::clone (  )  const [virtual]

Returns a pointer to a clone of this functor.

Implements cvr::functor.

quickPartialSort& cvr::quickPartialSort::copy ( const quickPartialSort other  ) 

Copy data of "other" functor.

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object

template<class V >
V::value_type cvr::quickPartialSort::findNth ( V &  vct,
const int  begin,
const int  end,
const int  dataPos 
) const [inline, protected]

This method calculates the data in a recursively form.

The template type V has to be a vector following an interface like the cvr::vector or the std::vector, implementing the operator[]

const std::string& cvr::quickPartialSort::name (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the name of this class.

Implements cvr::functor.

virtual quickPartialSort* cvr::quickPartialSort::newInstance (  )  const [virtual]

Returns a pointer to a new instance of this functor.

Implements cvr::functor.

template<class V >
V::value_type cvr::quickPartialSort::nth ( const int  pos,
const V &  src 
) const [inline]

A shortcut function for apply(const vector<T>&, T&) const.

Note that internally another vector and T are used.

pos the position of the element that wants to be found.
src vector whose data is sought
the data of src

template<class V >
int cvr::quickPartialSort::partition ( V &  vct,
const int  begin,
const int  end 
) const [inline, protected]

This method chooses a pivot-value and ensures that lower values lie at the left and higher values at the right of its final position, which will be returned.

The template type V has to be a vector following an interface like the cvr::vector or the std::vector, implementing the operator[]

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