cvr::affineLocation | The affineLocation class is simply used to store the parameters associated with an affine location |
cvr::affineTransformation2D | Class affineTransformation2D |
cvr::affineTransformation2D::affineTransformation2D::parameters | The parameters for the class affineTransformation2D |
cvr::allocException | AllocException is thrown if a memory allocation problem occurs |
cvr::arctanLUT | Following class provides a mono-state object that contains a 1MB Look-up Table to accelerate the computation of the arc-tangens |
cvr::internal::are_same< T, U > | Are_same<T, U>::value is true if T == U and false otherwise |
cvr::areaPoints | List of all points within an area |
cvr::bilinearInterpolation< T > | This functor use bilinear interpolation to approximate values between the pixels or elements of vectors and matrices |
cvr::bilinearInterpolation< T >::bilinearInterpolation::parameters | The parameters for the class bilinearInterpolation |
cvr::borderPoints | Direct border point representation of a contour |
cvr::boundaryExpansion | Class boundaryExpansion |
cvr::boundaryExpansion::boundaryExpansion::parameters | The parameters for the class boundaryExpansion |
cvr::bresenhamCircle | Functor for rendering circle segments with the Bresenham circle drawing algorithm |
cvr::bresenhamCircle::bresenhamCircle::parameters | The parameters for the class bresenhamCircle |
cvr::bresenhamLine | Functor for rendering line segments with the Bresenham line drawing algorithm |
cvr::bresenhamLine::bresenhamLine::parameters | The parameters for the class bresenhamLine |
cvr::internal::case_t< Y, T, CASE > | A "case" in a cvr::internal::switch_t |
cvr::chainCode | Elements of a Chaincode |
cvr::channel | A format for float channels |
cvr::channel32 | A format for 32-bit channels |
cvr::channel8 | A format for 8-bit channels |
cvr::channelC | Complex channel |
cvr::channelProcessingInterface< T > | Class channelProcessingInterface |
cvr::className | Provides methods for getting the class names of cvr::objects |
cvr::colorQuantization | Abstract parent class for all color quantization algorithms |
cvr::colorQuantization::colorQuantization::parameters | The parameters for the class colorQuantization |
cvr::complex< T > | Class to represent and manipulate complex numbers |
cvr::constants< T > | This class is a container of some mathematical and physical constants as static member functions |
cvr::constReferenceException | ConstReferenceException class |
cvr::container | Abstract base class to all container classes |
cvr::contrastEnhancement | Class contrastEnhancement |
cvr::contrastEnhancement::contrastEnhancement::parameters | The parameters for the class contrastEnhancement |
cvr::convexHull | Computes the convex hull of a set of points |
cvr::convexHull::convexHull::parameters | Parameters for the class convexHull |
cvr::internal::debugIterator< ContainerBase< T >, constIterator > | A generic debugging iterator for classes genericVector and genericMatrix |
cvr::decompositionSolution< T > | Abstract base class for all lti linear equation system solution functors using matrix decomposition to solve Ax=b |
cvr::decompositionSolution< T >::decompositionSolution::parameters | Parameters of class decompositionSolution |
cvr::internal::default_t< T > | Specifies the default type T in an cvr::internal::switch_t |
cvr::distanceFunctor< T > | This class is the base class for all functors which compute distances between two vectors or matrices |
cvr::distanceFunctor< T >::distanceFunctor::parameters | Parameters for the class distanceFunctor |
cvr::distanceType< T > | This class defines the appropriate return types when calculating the distance between two values of type T |
cvr::draw< T > | Object for drawing a number of geometric figures and lists thereof, simple texts and a few other types with graphic representation in a cvr::matrix |
cvr::drawBase< T > | Abstract parent class for draw and epsDraw |
cvr::internal::enable_if< T, b > | Enable_if<T, bool b>::type is T if b is true and empty otherwise |
cvr::endianness< E > | Endianness |
cvr::euclideanDistanceFunctor< T > | This class is the base class for all functors which compute distances between two vectors or matrices |
cvr::euclideanDistantor< T, D > | Policy class used by several classifiers/trees to measure the euclidean distance between two points of type T |
cvr::euclideanSqrDistantor< T, D > | Policy class used by several classifiers/trees to measure the square of the euclidean distance between two points of type T |
cvr::euclideanTransformation2D | Class euclideanTransformation2D |
cvr::euclideanTransformation2D::euclideanTransformation2D::parameters | The parameters for the class euclideanTransformation2D |
cvr::exception | Base class for all CVR-Libexceptions |
cvr::externViewer2D | External viewer for 2D images |
cvr::externViewer2D::externViewer2D::parameters | Parameters of the cvr::externViewer2D class |
cvr::factory< T > | Factory of objects of base type T |
cvr::factory< T >::factory::registration< U > | Represents the registration of an object of type U, constructed with the default parameterless constructor, and under its class name |
cvr::factoryReferences | Factory references |
cvr::fastHessianDetection | Class fastHessianDetection |
cvr::fastHessianDetection::fastHessianDetection::parameters | The parameters for the class fastHessianDetection |
cvr::filledUpsampling | Filled upsampling (or upsampling with zero-order interpolation) |
cvr::filledUpsampling::filledUpsampling::parameters | The parameters for the class cvr::filledUpsampling |
cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T > | This abstract class parents all interpolation functors, whose samples have equal distances to each other (per dimension), i.e |
cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T >::fixedGridInterpolation::parameters | The parameters for the class fixedGridInterpolation |
cvr::functor | Base class for all lti functors |
cvr::functor::functor::parameters | Parameters class of functor is empty and abstract |
cvr::genericChannel< T > | Class genericChannel |
cvr::genericInterpolation< T > | This functor uses a generic interpolation concept based on look-up-tables for the interpolation kernels |
cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters | The parameters for the class genericInterpolation |
cvr::genericLattice1D< T > | Generic Lattice 1D container |
cvr::genericLattice2D< T > | Container class for two dimensional lattices |
cvr::genericMatrix< T > | Container class for generic matrices |
cvr::genericVector< T > | Vector container class |
cvr::geometricTransform< I > | Class geometricTransform |
cvr::geometricTransform< I >::geometricTransform::parameters | The parameters for the class geometricTransform |
cvr::geometricTransformBase | Class geometricTransformBase |
cvr::geometricTransformBase::geometricTransformBase::parameters | The parameters for the class geometricTransform |
cvr::gtkCurveSelection | Dialog for curve selection |
cvr::guiServer | Class guiServer |
cvr::histogramEqualization | Histogram equalization |
cvr::histogramEqualization::histogramEqualization::parameters | The parameters for the class cvr::histogramEqualization |
cvr::hueLUT | Following class provides a mono-state object that contains a 0.5MB Look-up Table to accelerate the computation of hues |
cvr::internal::if_t< B, THEN, ELSE > | Defines the if_t<B,THEN,ELSE>::type as THEN if B==true and as ELSE if B==false |
cvr::image | The one and only RGBA-image format |
cvr::integralImage | Class integralImage |
cvr::integralImage::integralImage::parameters | The parameters for the class integralImage |
cvr::interval< T > | A one dimensional interval, giving the from and to values |
cvr::invalidParametersException | Exception thrown when the parameters are not set |
cvr::ioBMP | Class to load and save images and channels in the BMP format |
cvr::ioBMP::ioBMP::header | Class header implements BITMAPFILEHEADER |
cvr::ioBMP::ioBMP::infoHeader | Class infoHeader implements BITMAPINFOHEADER |
cvr::ioBMP::ioBMP::palette | Color Palette found in a BMP file |
cvr::ioBMP::ioBMP::parameters | Parameter class of the ioBMP class |
cvr::ioHandler | Input/output handlers |
cvr::ioImage | Class to read/write image files |
cvr::ioImageInterface | Base class to all classes that read from or write to a image file |
cvr::ioImageInterface::ioImageInterface::headerInformation | Common header information block |
cvr::ioImageInterface::ioImageInterface::parameters | IoFunctor parameters class |
cvr::ioJPEG | Class to read and write images store in the Joint Picture Expert Group file format (JPEG) |
cvr::ioJPEG::ioJPEG::parameters | Parameter class of ioJPEG |
cvr::ioObject | Basic input/output class for data objects |
cvr::ioPNG | Class to read and write files with images and channels in PNG format |
cvr::ioPNG::ioPNG::parameters | Parameter class of the ioBMP class |
cvr::ioPoints | Input-Output discrete contour representation |
cvr::kdTree< T, D, U > | A class for k-d tree |
cvr::kdTree< T, D, U >::kdTree::element | At the leave nodes, a list of elements of this type will contain the points and their corresponding data |
cvr::kdTree< T, D, U >::kdTree::node | Class of nodes of the kd-tree |
cvr::kernel1D< T > | One-dimensional filter kernel |
cvr::kernel2D< T > | Two-dimensional filter kernel |
cvr::kMColorQuantization | K-Means based color quantization |
cvr::kMColorQuantization::kMColorQuantization::kMeanColor::kMColorQuantization::kMeanColor::hashEntry | An entry of the hash table contains the number of pixels in the image that have the color corresponding to this entry (counter) and the index of this color in the cetroid-vector; |
cvr::kMColorQuantization::kMColorQuantization::parameters | Parameters for the class kMColorQuantization |
cvr::labelAdjacencyMap | Visualize a label mask in a color image |
cvr::labelAdjacencyMap::labelAdjacencyMap::graph | This auxiliary class stores a simple adjacency graph between labels, in which only the edges between the nodes contain data |
cvr::labelAdjacencyMap::labelAdjacencyMap::parameters | The parameters for the class labelAdjacencyMap |
cvr::lapackInterface | Interface object for LAPACK functions |
cvr::lattice1D< T > | Mathematical lattice1D container class |
cvr::lattice2D< T > | Container class for two dimensional lattices with arithmetical operations |
cvr::line< T > | Type for computations with lines |
cvr::linearAlgebraFunctor | Base class for all lti linear algebra functors |
cvr::linearAlgebraFunctor::linearAlgebraFunctor::parameters | The parameters for the linear algebra functors |
cvr::linearLeastSquares | Class linearLeastSquares |
cvr::linearLeastSquares::linearLeastSquares::parameters | The parameters for the class linearLeastSquares |
cvr::lispStreamHandler | Offers an interface for the functor parameters and other classes to read() and write() them in a LISP-like format |
cvr::lispStreamHandler::lispStreamHandler::stackElement | Type for each element of the stack |
cvr::list< T, Alloc > | A linked list, implemented either as a cvr::smallObjectList for objects whose size is less than or equal to _CVR_PERFORMANCE_LIST_OBJECT_SIZE_THRESHOLD, or as a std::list for bigger objects |
cvr::loadImageList | This class allows convenient loading of a set of images |
cvr::loadImageList::loadImageList::parameters | The parameters for the class loadImageList |
cvr::location | Interest point and a small surrounding region in an image or channel |
cvr::locationDetection | Abstract class locationDetection |
cvr::locationDetection::locationDetection::parameters | The parameters for the class locationDetection |
cvr::locationMatch | Class locationMatch |
cvr::locationMatch::locationMatch::parameters | The parameters for the class locationMatch |
cvr::luDecomposition< T > | LU decomposition functor |
cvr::luDecomposition< T >::luDecomposition::parameters | The parameters for the class luDecomposition |
cvr::internal::luDecompositionLapackInterface< T > | Offers a direct interface to the LAPACK function getrf for computing an LU decomposition with partial pivoting |
cvr::luSolution< T > | LU solution functor |
cvr::matrix< T > | Mathematical matrix container class |
cvr::matrixProcessingInterface< T > | Class matrixProcessingInterface |
cvr::matrixTransform< I > | Class matrixTransform |
cvr::matrixTransform< I >::matrixTransform::helper2x2 | Helper for 2x2 matrix transformations |
cvr::matrixTransform< I >::matrixTransform::helper2x3 | Helper for 2x3 matrix transformations |
cvr::matrixTransform< I >::matrixTransform::helper3x3 | Helper for 2x3 matrix transformations |
cvr::matrixTransform< I >::matrixTransform::helper4x3 | Helper for 4x3 matrix transformations |
cvr::matrixTransform< I >::matrixTransform::helper4x4 | Helper for 4x4 matrix transformations |
cvr::matrixTransform< I >::matrixTransform::helperBase | Base class of helpers |
cvr::matrixTransform< I >::matrixTransform::parameters | The parameters for the class matrixTransform<T> |
cvr::mergeHSIToImage | Merge HSI (Hue Saturation Intensity) channels |
cvr::mergeImage | Abstract base class for all merge image functor-classes |
cvr::mergeRGBToImage | Merge RGB channels |
cvr::mergeYCbCrToImage | Creates RGB values from given YCbCr values by merging float or ubyte values to an rgbPixel, merging channels(floats) or channel8s(ubytes) to an Image |
cvr::mergeYIQToImage | Merge YIQ channels (Luminance, Inphase, Quadrature) |
cvr::mergeYPbPrToImage | Creates RGB values from given YPbPr values by merging float or ubyte values to an rgbaPixel, merging channels(floats) or channel8s(ubytes) to an Image |
cvr::mergeYUVToImage | Compute RGB values from given YUV values by merging float or ubyte values to an rgbaPixel, merging channels(floats) or matrix<ubyte>s(ubytes) to an Image |
cvr::minimizeBasis | Functor for the minimization of a basis |
cvr::minimizeBasis::minimizeBasis::parameters | The parameters for the class minimizeBasis |
cvr::mutex | Mutex class for the library |
cvr::nearestNeighborInterpolation< T > | This functor use nearestNeighbor interpolation to approximate values between the pixels or elements of vectors and matrices |
cvr::internal::no_type | Helper type for the cvr::internal::switch_t struct |
cvr::noise | Class noise |
cvr::noise::noise::parameters | The parameters for the class noise |
cvr::normalDistribution | Class normalDistribution |
cvr::normalDistribution::normalDistribution::parameters | The parameters for the class normalDistribution |
cvr::normalDistribution::normalDistribution::shadows< T > | Simple structure to shadow the parameters and precomputations |
cvr::object | Base class for most objects in the CVR-Lib |
cvr::parametersManager | Base class for all classes with parameters |
cvr::parametersManager::parametersManager::parameters | Base class for all lti parameter objects |
cvr::pca< T > | Principal Components Analysis (PCA) |
cvr::pca< T >::pca::parameters | The parameters for the class pca |
cvr::point< T > | Two dimensional point, containing the coordinates x, y |
cvr::point3D< T > | Three dimensional point, containing the coordinates x, y, z |
cvr::pointList< T > | Template class to store a list of points |
cvr::polygonPoints< T > | Contour classes: polygonPoints |
cvr::progressInfo | This class can be overloaded to display the training progress of a process |
cvr::progressReporter | Interface for all objects that provide progressInfo interface |
cvr::qrDecomposition< T > | This functor computes a QRDecomposition of a given rectangular m x n Matrix A of the Form: |
cvr::qrDecomposition< T >::qrDecomposition::parameters | The parameters for the class qrDecomposition |
cvr::qrSolution< T > | QR solution functor |
cvr::qrSolution< T >::qrSolution::parameters | QrSolution parameter class |
cvr::quickMedian | Quick median search |
cvr::quickMedian2 | Quick median for two vectors |
cvr::quickMedian::quickMedian::parameters | The parameters for the class quickMedian |
cvr::quickPartialSort | Quick partial sort |
cvr::randomDistribution | Class randomDistribution |
cvr::randomDistribution::randomDistribution::parameters | The parameters for the class randomDistribution |
cvr::randomDistribution::randomDistribution::rndBase | Pure virtual nested class base of all random number generators |
cvr::randomDistribution::randomDistribution::rndMersenneTwister | Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator |
cvr::randomDistribution::randomDistribution::rndMinStd | Linear Congruency Random Number Generator |
cvr::randomDistribution::randomDistribution::rndMinStd0 | Linear Congruency Random Number Generator |
cvr::randomDistribution::randomDistribution::rndStochastic | Wrapper for <random> std::tr1::random_device, which is a hardware based true, unpredictable, random number generator |
cvr::randomDistribution::randomDistribution::rndSystem | Wrapper for the <cstdlib> rand() function |
cvr::ransacEstimation< E > | Template Class ransacEstimation<E> |
cvr::ransacEstimation< E >::ransacEstimation::parameters | The parameters for the class ransacEstimation |
cvr::rectangle< T, S > | Rectangle representation class |
cvr::rectangleSide< T > | Policy class to compute the size of a rectangle's side and the inverse transformation |
cvr::rectLocation | Small region in an image or channel around an interest point |
cvr::rgbaPixel | Color pixel representation in RGB color space with an alpha channel |
cvr::rgbPixel< T > | Color pixel representation in RGB color space |
cvr::secondOrderStatistics< T, U > | Computes mean, variance, and/or covariance matrix of data matrices and vectors |
cvr::secondOrderStatistics< T, U >::secondOrderStatistics::parameters | Parameters for the class secondOrderStatistics |
cvr::semaphore | Class for inter-thread synchronisation concept of semaphores |
cvr::separableKernel< T > | Separable Kernel |
cvr::separableKernel< T >::separableKernel::kernelPair | A pair of 1D kernels |
cvr::similarityTransformation2D | Class similarityTransformation2D |
cvr::similarityTransformation2D::similarityTransformation2D::parameters | The parameters for the class similarityTransformation2D |
cvr::smallObjectList< T > | List of objects of small size |
cvr::smallObjectList< T >::smallObjectList::const_iterator | Const_iterator class (allows read-only operations) |
cvr::smallObjectList< T >::smallObjectList::iterator | Iterator class (allows read and write operations) The use of the iterator classes is similar to the iterators of the STL (Standard Template Library) |
cvr::sort | Sort vectors |
cvr::sort2 | Sort two vectors, using the first one as key |
cvr::sort2::sort2::parameters | The parameters for the class sort |
cvr::sort::sort::parameters | The parameters for the class sort |
cvr::splitImage | Abstract parent class for all classes that split an image into different color spaces components (color channels) |
cvr::splitImageToHSI | Split image into its Hue - Saturation - Intensity channels |
cvr::splitImageToRGB | Split image into its Red - Green - Blue channels |
cvr::splitImageTorgI | Split image in its chromaticity channels |
cvr::splitImageToYCbCr | Computes the YCbCr values from a given RGB color representation (rgbaPixel) |
cvr::splitImageToYIQ | Split image in its Luminance Inphase Quadrature channels |
cvr::splitImageToYPbPr | Computes the YPbPr values from a given RGB color representation (rgbaPixel) |
cvr::splitImageToYUV | Computes the YUV values from a given RGB color representation (rgbaPixel) |
cvr::status | Base class for all CVR-Lib objects that have a status for error handling |
cvr::status::status::statusObject | Class for status string storing and formatting |
cvr::statusMonitor | Class statusMonitor |
cvr::statusMonitorCerr | Class statusMonitorCerr |
cvr::statusMonitorException | Class statusMonitorException |
cvr::streamProgressInfo | This class is a default implementation for the progress info interface |
cvr::surfLocalDescriptor | Class surfLocalDescriptor |
cvr::surfLocalDescriptor::surfLocalDescriptor::parameters | The parameters for the class surfLocalDescriptor |
cvr::svd | Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) |
cvr::svd::svd::helper< T > | Helper class |
cvr::svd::svd::parameters | The parameters for the class |
cvr::internal::switch_t< X, CASE > | A compile time switch statement |
cvr::symmetricEigenSystem< T > | Computes the Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of a symmetric, positive definite, real matrix |
cvr::symmetricEigenSystem< T >::symmetricEigenSystem::parameters | EigenSystem parameter class |
cvr::thread | CVR-Lib thread class |
cvr::timer | The timer allows to measure time with a precision of about 30us on Linux systems and a value dependent on the performance counter on Windows systems |
cvr::typeInfo< T > | This class allows to ask some information required in the CVR-Libfor some types |
cvr::typeInfo< U< T > > | This tricky specialization lets the typeInfo of any template class with a single template parameter make use of the typeInfo of its template parameter |
cvr::uniformContinuousDistribution | Class uniformContinuousDistribution |
cvr::uniformContinuousDistribution::uniformContinuousDistribution::parameters | The parameters for the class uniformContinuousDistribution |
cvr::uniformDiscreteDistribution | Class uniformDiscreteDistribution |
cvr::uniformDiscreteDistribution::uniformDiscreteDistribution::parameters | The parameters for the class uniformDiscreteDistribution |
cvr::univariateContinuousDistribution | Class univariateContinuousDistribution |
cvr::univariateDiscreteDistribution | Class univariateDiscreteDistribution |
cvr::usePalette | Use color or gray-valued palette |
cvr::usePalette::usePalette::parameters | Parameters for the class usePalette |
cvr::validator | Matrix and Vector validity check |
cvr::validator::validator::parameters | The parameters for the class validator |
cvr::vector< T > | Mathematical vector container class |
cvr::viewer2D | Class viewer2D |
cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog | Configuration dialog for 2D data |
cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk | Private class of the configuration dialogs which deals with all internal issues of the GTK toolkit |
cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::information | Information block |
cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::mainWindow | Main window of the 2D viewer |
cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::parameters | There are parameters related with the GUI, for example which interaction configuration starts the config dialog, the position of the window, etc |
cvr::viewer2DPainter | Class viewer2DPainter |
cvr::viewer2DPainter::viewer2DPainter::cacheBlock | Data computed for a channel and flags indicating if stats were already computed |
cvr::viewer2DPainter::viewer2DPainter::cacheManager | A manager for all statistic blocks, computed (only if necessary) for the red, green, blue, hue and intensity channels of the data |
cvr::viewer2DPainter::viewer2DPainter::parameters | Parameters of the cvr::viewer2DPainter class |
cvr::viewerBase | Class viewerBase |
cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::configDialog | Parent class for all configuration classes |
cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::configDialog::viewerBase::configDialog::tk | Private class of the configuration dialogs which deals with all internal issues of the GTK toolkit |
cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::information | Information block |
cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::interaction | Interaction structure |
cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow | Parent class of all main windows |
cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk | GTK toolkit class |
cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::parameters | Parameters of the cvr::viewerBase class |