CVR-Lib last update 20 Sep 2009

cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters Class Reference

The parameters for the class genericInterpolation. More...

#include <cvrGenericInterpolation.h>

Inheritance diagram for cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 parameters ()
 parameters (const eBoundaryType btype)
 parameters (const parameters &other)
 ~parameters ()
parameterscopy (const parameters &other)
parametersoperator= (const parameters &other)
virtual const std::string & name () const
virtual parametersclone () const
virtual parametersnewInstance () const
virtual bool write (ioHandler &handler, const bool complete=true) const
virtual bool read (ioHandler &handler, const bool complete=true)

Public Attributes

eInterpolationKernelType kernelType
int numSamplesPerInterval
fvector kernelLUT

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::parameters

The parameters for the class genericInterpolation.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::parameters (  ) 

template<class T>
cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::parameters ( const eBoundaryType  btype  ) 

Constructor to set explicitly the desired boundaryType.

Reimplemented from cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T >::fixedGridInterpolation::parameters.

template<class T>
cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::parameters ( const parameters other  ) 

copy constructor

other the parameters object to be copied

Reimplemented from cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T >::fixedGridInterpolation::parameters.

template<class T>
cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::~parameters (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
virtual parameters* cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::clone (  )  const [virtual]

returns a pointer to a clone of the parameters

Reimplemented from cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T >::fixedGridInterpolation::parameters.

template<class T>
parameters& cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::copy ( const parameters other  ) 

copy the contents of a parameters object

other the parameters object to be copied
a reference to this parameters object

Reimplemented from cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T >::fixedGridInterpolation::parameters.

template<class T>
virtual const std::string& cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::name (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the name of this type.

Reimplemented from cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T >::fixedGridInterpolation::parameters.

template<class T>
virtual parameters* cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::newInstance (  )  const [virtual]

returns a pointer to a new instance of the parameters

Reimplemented from cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T >::fixedGridInterpolation::parameters.

template<class T>
parameters& cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::operator= ( const parameters other  ) 

copy the contents of a parameters object

other the parameters object to be copied
a reference to this parameters object

Reimplemented from cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T >::fixedGridInterpolation::parameters.

template<class T>
virtual bool cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::read ( ioHandler handler,
const bool  complete = true 
) [virtual]

read the parameters from the given ioHandler

handler the ioHandler to be used
complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
true if write was successful

Reimplemented from cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T >::fixedGridInterpolation::parameters.

template<class T>
virtual bool cvr::genericInterpolation< T >::genericInterpolation::parameters::write ( ioHandler handler,
const bool  complete = true 
) const [virtual]

write the parameters in the given ioHandler

handler the ioHandler to be used
complete if true (the default) the enclosing begin/end will be also written, otherwise only the data block will be written.
true if write was successful

Reimplemented from cvr::fixedGridInterpolation< T >::fixedGridInterpolation::parameters.

Member Data Documentation

Generic interpolation kernel.

If the kernelType is GenericKernel then this kernel LUT will be used. To be a valid kernel, this vector must have a size n times numSamplesPerInterval, with n even. If the validity of the kernel LUT cannot be confirmed, a Bilinear Kernel will be used instead, but setParameters will return false.

Default value: empty kernel

Interpolation type to be used.

Default: Bicubic

Number of samples in the interpolation table for a unit interval.

The total number of elements in the LUT will be this value multiplied by the number of unit intervals of the interpolation kernel.

Default value: 256

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Generated on Sun Sep 20 22:08:45 2009 for CVR-Lib by Doxygen 1.5.8