CVR-Lib last update 20 Sep 2009

cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk Class Reference

GTK toolkit class. More...

#include <cvrViewerBaseGtk.h>

Inherited by cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::mainWindow::viewer2D::mainWindow::tk.

Collaboration diagram for cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 tk (viewerBase::mainWindow &parent)
virtual ~tk ()
virtual bool build ()
virtual bool show ()
virtual bool hide ()
virtual bool destroy ()
virtual bool statusBar (const std::string &txt)
tkcopy (const tk &other)
virtual bool setPosition (const ipoint &p)
ipoint getPosition () const
virtual bool setSize (const ipoint &p)
ipoint getSize () const
virtual ipoint suggestWindowSize () const
virtual bool setTitle (const std::string &title)
std::string getTitle () const
virtual bool updateParameters (viewerBase::parameters &param)
virtual bool setCanvasSize (const ipoint &newSize)

Protected Attributes

bool winShown_
bool winBuild_
GtkWidget * window_
GtkWidget * vbox_
GtkWidget * scrolledWindow_
GtkWidget * statusBar_
guint statusBarContextId_
GtkWidget * drawingArea_
GtkWidget * eventBox_
mutex lock_
static gboolean cbShow (gpointer data)
static gint cbCloseWindow (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
static gint cbGeometryChanged (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event, gpointer data)
static gint cbDrawingAreaExposed (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data)
static gint cbMouseMoved (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event, gpointer data)
static gint cbButtonPressed (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data)
static gint cbScrolled (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventScroll *event, gpointer data)
static gint cbButtonReleased (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data)
static gint cbKeyPressed (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data)
static gint cbKeyReleased (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data)
static gboolean cbForceRedraw (gpointer data)
virtual bool closeWindow ()
virtual bool geometryChanged (const ipoint pos, const ipoint size)
virtual bool drawingAreaExposed (const irectangle &area)
bool mouseMoved (const viewerBase::interaction action, const ipoint pos)
bool buttonPressed (const viewerBase::interaction action, const ipoint pos)
bool scrolled (const viewerBase::interaction action, const ipoint pos)
bool buttonReleased (const viewerBase::interaction action, const ipoint pos)
bool keyPressed (const viewerBase::interaction action)
bool keyReleased (const viewerBase::interaction action)
bool forceRedraw ()

Detailed Description

GTK toolkit class.

This is the parent class for the viewer windows implemented with GTK. The class initializes the drawing widget, status bar, and scroll bars.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::tk ( viewerBase::mainWindow parent  ) 


This constructor does not call build(), so the main window still has to be created.

virtual cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::~tk (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::build (  )  [virtual]

Create window.

bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::buttonPressed ( const viewerBase::interaction  action,
const ipoint  pos 
) [protected]

Function called when a mouse button has been pressed.

bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::buttonReleased ( const viewerBase::interaction  action,
const ipoint  pos 
) [protected]

Function called when a mouse button has been released.

static gint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbButtonPressed ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventButton *  event,
gpointer  data 
) [static, protected]

Callback function called when any mouse button has been pressed.

static gint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbButtonReleased ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventButton *  event,
gpointer  data 
) [static, protected]

Callback function called when any mouse button has been pressed.

static gint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbCloseWindow ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEvent *  event,
gpointer  data 
) [static, protected]

Callback function called when the user selects the "close window" button of the window.

This method overrides the delete structure with a hide().

static gint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbDrawingAreaExposed ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventExpose *  event,
gpointer  data 
) [static, protected]

Callback funtion to redraw the image been displayed.

static gboolean cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbForceRedraw ( gpointer  data  )  [static, protected]

Callback function used to force a expose event of the whole window.

static gint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbGeometryChanged ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventConfigure *  event,
gpointer  data 
) [static, protected]

Callback fuction called when the window size or position have been changed.

static gint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbKeyPressed ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventKey *  event,
gpointer  data 
) [static, protected]

Callback function called when any key has been pressed.

static gint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbKeyReleased ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventKey *  event,
gpointer  data 
) [static, protected]

Callback function called when any key has been released.

static gint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbMouseMoved ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventMotion *  event,
gpointer  data 
) [static, protected]

Callback function called when the mouse is moved while a mouse button is been pressed.

static gint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbScrolled ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventScroll *  event,
gpointer  data 
) [static, protected]

Callback function called when any mouse button has been pressed.

static gboolean cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::cbShow ( gpointer  data  )  [static, protected]

Static functions used by GTK as callbacks and their corresponding local versions.

Even if the CVR-Lib forbids the use of prefixes, here an exception has been done with "cb", meaning "callback", which is used to keep a direct correspondence between the GTK required static function and a local instance-bounded virtual method. Callback function called when the user has explicitelly indicated a show()

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::closeWindow (  )  [protected, virtual]

Close the window and all related elements.

tk& cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::copy ( const tk other  ) 

Copy another mainWindow toolkit configuration.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::destroy (  )  [virtual]

Destroy window.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::drawingAreaExposed ( const irectangle area  )  [protected, virtual]

Called when some part of the window has been exposed and need to be redrawn.

bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::forceRedraw (  )  [protected]

This function can be called by either thread, and it will ensure that an expose event of the whole window is generated.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::geometryChanged ( const ipoint  pos,
const ipoint  size 
) [protected, virtual]

Called when the geometry of the window is changed.

Note that this won't change the geometry, since it is called by someone who changed it already.

ipoint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::getPosition (  )  const

Get position of the window.

ipoint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::getSize (  )  const

Get size of the window.

std::string cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::getTitle (  )  const

Get a string with the title of this window.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::hide (  )  [virtual]

Hide this window.

bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::keyPressed ( const viewerBase::interaction  action  )  [protected]

Function called when a key has been pressed.

bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::keyReleased ( const viewerBase::interaction  action  )  [protected]

Function called when a key has been released.

bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::mouseMoved ( const viewerBase::interaction  action,
const ipoint  pos 
) [protected]

Function called when the mouse has been moved and some button is pressed.

bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::scrolled ( const viewerBase::interaction  action,
const ipoint  pos 
) [protected]

Function called when a mouse button has been pressed.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::setCanvasSize ( const ipoint newSize  )  [virtual]

Resize canvas.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::setPosition ( const ipoint p  )  [virtual]

Change position of the window.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::setSize ( const ipoint p  )  [virtual]

Set size of the window.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::setTitle ( const std::string &  title  )  [virtual]

Set window title.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::show (  )  [virtual]

Show the window.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::statusBar ( const std::string &  txt  )  [virtual]

Display in the status bar the given text.

virtual ipoint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::suggestWindowSize (  )  const [virtual]

Get initial suggestion for window size.

virtual bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::updateParameters ( viewerBase::parameters param  )  [virtual]

Update parameters.

Member Data Documentation

GtkWidget* cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::drawingArea_ [protected]

Drawing area that holds the image.

GtkWidget* cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::eventBox_ [protected]

Event box to capture mouse and button events.

mutex cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::lock_ [protected]

Protect all members from multiple access.

viewerBase::parameters* cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::params_ [protected]

Pointer to a read-only version of the parameters.

viewerBase::mainWindow* cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::parent_ [protected]

Pointer to the class that owns this instance.

GtkWidget* cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::scrolledWindow_ [protected]

The scrolled window.

GtkWidget* cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::statusBar_ [protected]

The status bar.

guint cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::statusBarContextId_ [protected]

Context id of the status bar.

GtkWidget* cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::vbox_ [protected]

Vertical box for packing two components: the drawing area and the status bar.

bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::winBuild_ [protected]

Flag that indicates if the window is currently being shown.

GtkWidget* cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::window_ [protected]

The main window.

In GTK a window widget should be a pop up menu or the top window application. It is therefore more appropriate to use the gtk_dialog to hold the images, as they have less restrictions and are easier to manipulate.

bool cvr::viewerBase::viewerBase::mainWindow::viewerBase::mainWindow::tk::winShown_ [protected]

Flag that indicates if the window is currently being shown.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Sep 20 22:09:11 2009 for CVR-Lib by Doxygen 1.5.8