CVR-Lib last update 20 Sep 2009

cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk Class Reference

Private class of the configuration dialogs which deals with all internal issues of the GTK toolkit. More...

#include <cvrViewer2DGtk.h>

Inheritance diagram for cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 tk (viewer2D::configDialog &parent)
virtual ~tk ()
virtual bool build ()
virtual bool show ()
virtual bool hide ()
virtual bool destroy ()
tkcopy (const tk &other)
virtual bool updateParameters ()
virtual bool updateInformation (const viewer2D::information &info)
parametersgetParameters ()

Protected Member Functions

void setZoom (const float zoom)
float getZoom () const
void setMapping (const viewer2DPainter::eMappingType mapping)
viewer2DPainter::eMappingType getMapping ()
void setPaletteType (const viewer2DPainter::ePaletteType pal)
viewer2DPainter::ePaletteType getPaletteType ()
void setNeighborhood (const viewer2DPainter::eNeighborhoodType n)
viewer2DPainter::eNeighborhoodType getNeighborhood ()
void setAdjacency (const bool adjOn, const eDataType type)

Static Protected Member Functions

Static functions used by GTK.
Static functions used by GTK as callbacks and their corresponding local versions.

Even if the CVR-Lib forbids the use of prefixes, here an exception has been done with "cb", meaning "callback", which is used to keep a direct correspondence between the GTK required static function and a local instance-bounded virtual method.

static void cbOnBrowseButtonClicked (GtkButton *button, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnSaveButtonClicked (GtkButton *button, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnZoomEntryActivate (GtkCellEditable *celleditable, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnZoomHAdjustmentValueChanged (GtkAdjustment *scale, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnOffsetEntryActivate (GtkCellEditable *celleditable, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnOffsetHAdjustmentValueChanged (GtkAdjustment *scale, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnSlopeEntryActivate (GtkCellEditable *celleditable, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnSlopeHAdjustmentValueChanged (GtkAdjustment *scale, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnMappingRadioToggled (GtkToggleButton *toggleButton, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnCurveButtonClicked (GtkButton *button, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnHexButtonToggled (GtkToggleButton *toggleButton, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnUnderflowColorButtonSet (GtkColorButton *colorbutton, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnOverflowColorButtonSet (GtkColorButton *colorbutton, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnPaletteRadioToggled (GtkToggleButton *toggleButton, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnLabelAdjacencyButtonToggled (GtkToggleButton *toggleButton, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnNeighborhoodRadioToggled (GtkToggleButton *toggleButton, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnMinColorsButtonToggled (GtkToggleButton *toggleButton, gpointer userData)
static void cbOnFilenameEntryActivate (GtkCellEditable *celleditable, gpointer userData)
Convert the given values to a string
static std::string toString (const double val, const int decimals=5)
static std::string toString (const int val)
static double fromString (const char *val)
static std::string toString (const ipoint &val)
static std::string toString (const rgbaPixel &val)
static std::string toString (const frgbPixel &val, const int decimals=2)

Protected Attributes

timer updateTime
eDataType dataType_
All GTK widgets initialized in the build() method
GtkWidget * vboxTop_
GtkWidget * displayCtrlFrame_
GtkWidget * displayCtrlAlignment_
GtkWidget * disCtrlVBox_
GtkWidget * zoomHBox_
GtkWidget * zoomLabel_
GtkWidget * zoomEntry_
GtkWidget * zoomHScale_
GtkAdjustment * zoomHAdjustment_
GtkWidget * linearButton_
GSList * linearButton__group
GtkWidget * offsetSlopeHBox_
GtkWidget * offsetButton_
GtkWidget * offsetEntry_
GtkWidget * offsetHScale_
GtkAdjustment * offsetHAdjustment_
GtkWidget * slopeLabel_
GtkWidget * slopeEntry_
GtkWidget * slopeHScale_
GtkAdjustment * slopeHAdjustment_
GtkWidget * mappingsTable_
GtkWidget * minButton_
GtkWidget * maxButton_
GtkWidget * optLinButton_
GtkWidget * histEqButton_
GtkWidget * logButton_
GtkWidget * optLogButton_
GtkWidget * userCurveHBox_
GtkWidget * userDefButton_
GtkWidget * editCurveButton_
GtkWidget * hexColorVBox_
GtkWidget * hexButton_
GtkWidget * underflowColorButton_
GtkWidget * overflowColorButton_
GtkWidget * displayLabel_
GtkWidget * paletteCtrlFrame_
GtkWidget * paletteCtrlAlignment_
GtkWidget * paletteCtrlVBox_
GtkWidget * paletteColorHBox_
GtkWidget * grayPaletteButton_
GSList * grayPaletteButton__group
GtkWidget * redPaletteButton_
GtkWidget * greenPaletteButton_
GtkWidget * bluePaletteButton_
GtkWidget * huePaletteButton_
GtkWidget * userPaletteButton_
GtkWidget * labelAdjacencyAnalysisButton_
GtkWidget * labelAdjacencyRadioBox_
GtkWidget * fourNeighborhoodButton_
GSList * fourNeighborhoodButton__group
GtkWidget * eightNeighborhoodButton_
GtkWidget * minColorsButton_
GtkWidget * paletteCtrlLabel_
GtkWidget * informationFrame_
GtkWidget * infoHBox_
GtkWidget * generalStatsTable_
GtkWidget * generalStatsRightTable_
GtkWidget * imgSizeLabel_
GtkWidget * minValLabel_
GtkWidget * maxValLabel_
GtkWidget * avrgValLabel_
GtkWidget * stdDevLabel_
GtkWidget * imgSizeEntry_
GtkWidget * minValEntry_
GtkWidget * maxValEntry_
GtkWidget * avrgValEntry_
GtkWidget * stdDevEntry_
GtkWidget * covLabel_
GtkWidget * covarTable_
GtkWidget * rgEntry_
GtkWidget * rbEntry_
GtkWidget * ggEntry_
GtkWidget * bgEntry_
GtkWidget * grEntry_
GtkWidget * brEntry_
GtkWidget * gbEntry_
GtkWidget * bbEntry_
GtkWidget * rrEntry_
GtkWidget * infoLabel_
GtkWidget * ioFrame_
GtkWidget * saveImgAlignment_
GtkWidget * saveHBox_
GtkWidget * filenameEntry_
GtkWidget * browseButton_
GtkWidget * saveButton_
GtkWidget * saveImageLabel_
GtkTooltips * tooltips_

Detailed Description

Private class of the configuration dialogs which deals with all internal issues of the GTK toolkit.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::tk ( viewer2D::configDialog parent  ) 


This constructor does not call build(), since at creation time GTK may not be initialized yet.

virtual cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::~tk (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::build (  )  [virtual]

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnBrowseButtonClicked ( GtkButton *  button,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

If the browse button is clicked.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnCurveButtonClicked ( GtkButton *  button,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback when the curve edit button is clicked.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnFilenameEntryActivate ( GtkCellEditable *  celleditable,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback when the filename has been changed.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnHexButtonToggled ( GtkToggleButton *  toggleButton,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback when hex display button is clicked.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnLabelAdjacencyButtonToggled ( GtkToggleButton *  toggleButton,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback when hex display button is clicked.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnMappingRadioToggled ( GtkToggleButton *  toggleButton,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback for radio buttons to select a mapping type.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnMinColorsButtonToggled ( GtkToggleButton *  toggleButton,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback for min number of colors.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnNeighborhoodRadioToggled ( GtkToggleButton *  toggleButton,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback for radio buttons to select the palette type.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnOffsetEntryActivate ( GtkCellEditable *  celleditable,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback if the user typed something in the offset entry.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnOffsetHAdjustmentValueChanged ( GtkAdjustment *  scale,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback if the user moved the offset slider.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnOverflowColorButtonSet ( GtkColorButton *  colorbutton,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback when overflow color selection button is clicked.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnPaletteRadioToggled ( GtkToggleButton *  toggleButton,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback for radio buttons to select the palette type.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnSaveButtonClicked ( GtkButton *  button,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

If the browse button is clicked.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnSlopeEntryActivate ( GtkCellEditable *  celleditable,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback if the user typed something in the slope entry.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnSlopeHAdjustmentValueChanged ( GtkAdjustment *  scale,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback if the user moved the slope slider.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnUnderflowColorButtonSet ( GtkColorButton *  colorbutton,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback when underflow color selection button is clicked.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnZoomEntryActivate ( GtkCellEditable *  celleditable,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback for zoom text entry.

static void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::cbOnZoomHAdjustmentValueChanged ( GtkAdjustment *  scale,
gpointer  userData 
) [static, protected]

Callback for zoom horizontal scale bar.

tk& cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::copy ( const tk other  ) 

Copy another mainWindow toolkit configuration.

virtual bool cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::destroy (  )  [virtual]

viewer2DPainter::eMappingType cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::getMapping (  )  [protected]

Get the proper mapping style from the GUI elements.

viewer2DPainter::eNeighborhoodType cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::getNeighborhood (  )  [protected]

Get the proper neighborhood from the GUI elements.

viewer2DPainter::ePaletteType cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::getPaletteType (  )  [protected]

Get the proper mapping style from the GUI elements.

parameters& cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::getParameters (  ) 

Cast the internal parameters object to the proper type.

float cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::getZoom (  )  const [protected]

Get the proper zoom value from the GUI elements.

virtual bool cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::hide (  )  [virtual]

void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::setAdjacency ( const bool  adjOn,
const eDataType  type 
) [protected]

Set the adjacency flag and activate/deactivate all necessary GUI elements.

void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::setMapping ( const viewer2DPainter::eMappingType  mapping  )  [protected]

Set the GUI elements to the proper mapping style.

void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::setNeighborhood ( const viewer2DPainter::eNeighborhoodType  n  )  [protected]

Set the GUI elements to the proper neighborhood.

void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::setPaletteType ( const viewer2DPainter::ePaletteType  pal  )  [protected]

Set the GUI elements to the proper palette type.

void cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::setZoom ( const float  zoom  )  [protected]

Set the GUI elements to the proper zoom value.

virtual bool cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::show (  )  [virtual]

virtual bool cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::updateInformation ( const viewer2D::information info  )  [virtual]

Update information.

virtual bool cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::updateParameters (  )  [virtual]

Member Data Documentation

eDataType cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::dataType_ [protected]

Data type being displayed.

timer cvr::viewer2D::viewer2D::configDialog::viewer2D::configDialog::tk::updateTime [protected]

Timer used to avoid a too frequent update.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Sep 20 22:09:10 2009 for CVR-Lib by Doxygen 1.5.8