CVR-Lib last update 20 Sep 2009

cvr::boundaryExpansion Class Reference
[Geometric Image Transformations]

Class boundaryExpansion. More...

#include <cvrBoundaryExpansion.h>

Inheritance diagram for cvr::boundaryExpansion:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for cvr::boundaryExpansion:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.


class  parameters
 The parameters for the class boundaryExpansion. More...

Public Member Functions

 boundaryExpansion ()
 boundaryExpansion (const int width, const eBoundaryType type=Zero, const bool normalize=false)
 boundaryExpansion (const parameters &par)
 boundaryExpansion (const boundaryExpansion &other)
virtual ~boundaryExpansion ()
template<typename T >
bool apply (matrix< T > &srcdest) const
template<typename T , typename U >
bool apply (const matrix< T > &src, matrix< U > &dest) const
boundaryExpansioncopy (const boundaryExpansion &other)
boundaryExpansionoperator= (const boundaryExpansion &other)
virtual const std::string & name () const
virtual boundaryExpansionclone () const
virtual boundaryExpansionnewInstance () const
const parametersgetParameters () const

Detailed Description

Class boundaryExpansion.

This class is used to expand the border of an image and fill it according to the boundary type specified in the parameters. It is employed by several functors to work using "internal" pixels only, without worring about the specific border type to be used.

If negative values of border are given in the parameters, the image will be clipped.

See also:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cvr::boundaryExpansion::boundaryExpansion (  ) 

Default constructor.

cvr::boundaryExpansion::boundaryExpansion ( const int  width,
const eBoundaryType  type = Zero,
const bool  normalize = false 

Construct a functor with a border of homogeneous width all around, and the given boundary type.

width width of the border
type boundary type
normalize indicate if normalization by the type conversion has to be made.

cvr::boundaryExpansion::boundaryExpansion ( const parameters par  ) 

Construct a functor using the given parameters.

cvr::boundaryExpansion::boundaryExpansion ( const boundaryExpansion other  ) 

Copy constructor.

other the object to be copied

virtual cvr::boundaryExpansion::~boundaryExpansion (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

template<typename T , typename U >
bool cvr::boundaryExpansion::apply ( const matrix< T > &  src,
matrix< U > &  dest 
) const [inline]

Operates on a copy of the given arguments.

src matrix<T> with the source data.
dest matrix<T> where the result will be left.
true if apply successful or false otherwise.

template<typename T >
bool cvr::boundaryExpansion::apply ( matrix< T > &  srcdest  )  const [inline]

Expand the boundary of the given matrix and leave the result on the same matrix.

srcdest matrix<T> with the source data. The result will be left here too.
true if apply successful or false otherwise.

virtual boundaryExpansion* cvr::boundaryExpansion::clone (  )  const [virtual]

Returns a pointer to a clone of this functor.

Implements cvr::functor.

boundaryExpansion& cvr::boundaryExpansion::copy ( const boundaryExpansion other  ) 

Copy data of "other" functor.

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object

const parameters& cvr::boundaryExpansion::getParameters (  )  const

Returns used parameters.

Reimplemented from cvr::parametersManager.

virtual const std::string& cvr::boundaryExpansion::name (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the complete name of the functor class.

Implements cvr::functor.

virtual boundaryExpansion* cvr::boundaryExpansion::newInstance (  )  const [virtual]

Returns a pointer to a new instance of this functor.

Implements cvr::functor.

boundaryExpansion& cvr::boundaryExpansion::operator= ( const boundaryExpansion other  ) 

Alias for copy member.

other the functor to be copied
a reference to this functor object

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